My bank is currently buk-nekkid. Working on getting a sexy force colour for myself before I go making my bank look smexy.

Also, as for event ideas, maybe a replay opener challange, with a tc/item prize? Or just maybea good ol' bet server or ingame tourney?
More people would be able to do ingame things, keep that in mind.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Thank you for your support Kam.
It is glad to see that you provide support for us, although you seems to have found a alternative path.
Extreme's 2nd Leader-----There ain't the saints or devastating devils. There is and always will be just humans' quilty and rage with their decisions.
For our records Pindar has sent 3000 toricredits

Clan war funds

3k fix it for you. ^^ -NT
Last edited by NinjaTitan; Jan 14, 2013 at 09:17 AM.
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

For your records...

You've sent 800 toricredits to ExtBank

Just doing my part
[Extreme]--> We are here (Cool Place)------------------------------------------u are all the way over There--->(Uncool) You
Maybe I should impose a monthly donation
We can't do shit with this money one global and its gone
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

Taxes in a clan, that's unhumane. What, are we living in the midieval ages now? I quite literally only have 100 tc. No fees.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
I said maybe its not final
Still talking it over with the others
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?