Yeah I was put in leader rank as a trail too apparently, I crashed and burned. Thanks Obama. (The fact that when Obama leaves office I won't have anyone to hold accountable for my failings is giving me serious anxiety issues.)
Good morning sweet princess
Ah, ok. Well, the fact that we have a trial rank and a new d000ds rank is only slightly confusing. By the way, just to clear something up, I'm not asking to be put in trial xD

I'd much rather be a new d00d than a trial
Going to buy a new laptop in a couple of hours.
Like 5+ years old but it's €40,- and like 6 times as good as my old laptop, so I'll go with it.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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My laptop is a potatoe. i3 core processor and a 4 gb ram, but it still works. Have fun with your new laptop zwouter, I'll be getting a new one in a couple of years.
My password just also expired when I decided to get a new password for everything. o/
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
My first laptop had 512mb. And that was only four years ago.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Mind rattling off a few specs for the laptop? I'm interested to see what you can get for $45. My old laptop-the one that I sold to my mom and she now uses-was $250 and was only good for mid-range TF2 play.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.

There they are.
But mine uses Windows 7 and for some odd reason it only has a 150gb hdd, and 30gb of it is used for useless things.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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