Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Ebon Casket
Terme awakes and exits his room after safely storing away Noxus' sword in an ornate chest that belonged to the househead.

He enters the hallway in a finely tailored, dark, short frock coat overtop a double-breasted, striped vest sporting two shimmering shades of grey. Beneath lay a simple white shirt tucked into his pants, black and well-fitting.

His sword lay in its scabbard, at his hip, hilt gleaming. He carries the chest under one arm, gripping it tightly with one hand as he moves through the building, while his free hand, lying in a supple, brown, lambskin glove bearing the King's ring underneath, rests idly in his pocket .

His mind itches for answers:
Who were the men that murdered Noxus?
Why was he killed?
And, ultimately, was he, Terme, responsible?
Last edited by Lawrence1; Apr 2, 2012 at 06:58 AM.

Raethan rolls out of bed, groaning from the night previous. He then stumbles over to Ethans bunk, where he had deposited him the night before, and checks if he's still breathing.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Daven's Quarry
The entire room stops after hearing the words through the door.
Bryce, still missing his shirt, then says
"I can assure you that I have no rash of any kind."
He heads to the door and opens it slightly, peering through the opening.
"What is this?"
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Daven's Quarry

Concealing her smile she says loud enough for all the occupants of the room to hear.

"Sir, You know that pa said it was highly contagious even if it wasn't flaring up. You should know better."
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Daven's Quarry

Behind Bryce there is just the slightest sound of something hard sliding on leather. And footsteps. Quick footsteps. Too quick.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Daven's Quarry
Despite his morning lethargy, Bryce wheels around to see what is going on behind him.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Daven's Quarry

The adrenaline slows everything down to an observable pace:

the blue eyed girl is fixed on Bryce, a shining steel dagger in hand, prepared to stab. The other two girls also have their daggers out, not really seeming to do anything. Backup.

Something about the dagger doesn't seem right, though. Something about the reflectiveness. Like someone had oiled it.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Daven's Quarry
Bryce catches his attacker's wrist with his left hand, striking it with his right forearm at the same time, attempting to knock the blade out of her clench. Bryce then uses his elbow to strike her ribs, and pulls it above her arm immediately after. While twisting her arm with his hand, he locks his other hand onto his left forearm. This lock allows Bryce to torque her body onto the floor.
Last edited by Ray; Apr 2, 2012 at 08:50 AM.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Daven's Quarry

Noticing Bryce turn away she steps in having a bad feeling.

Sure enough one of the women is coming at him.

As she crosses the threshold she draws a knife from her concealed vest holster and pegs the thing into one of the backup would be assassins.
Last edited by Ray; Apr 2, 2012 at 07:06 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<Vox> meh, you never end up anywhere in computer
<Vox> you are just where ever you are
<avwave> its always fun to eat a polymorph ring
<avwave> unless you morph into a basilisk in a room full of mirrors
<Vox> I just imagine a guy in a lab coat and fluffy gloves holding a snowflake being stared down by the university research managers
Daven's Quarry

The blue eyed girl drops her dagger. As she hits the floor, her mouth foams and she begins to gag and flail in death throes.

The last remaining girl attempts to break through the window shutters on the far side of the room, probably to escape.


Ethan grumbles and rolls over, away from Raethan.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor