Thy Slask hath once again descended upon ye! Show thy faith, and thou shalt be spared!


Last edited by aslask; Jul 10, 2009 at 01:55 PM.
I now went here to say.... I think my desktop pc has been used for playing the last time.... ever... now.... It is now most certainly dead. Unless I somehow manage to shock it into life. Did you get it. "SHOCK" it ^^, you know, powercable....

RIP "Krigsmaskinen"
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
As it's already broken: Open it up.

Get familiar inside the PC, and try to reconnect some cards. Reconnect the harddisc as well. Also, you can clean the fans and check the powersupply. Disconnect any unnecessary extra equipment (webcams, printers etc). After doing this, try to run it. If this doesn't work, format the PC and make a new partition in which to boot Windows.
Originally Posted by aslask View Post
As it's already broken: Open it up.

Get familiar inside the PC, and try to reconnect some cards. Reconnect the harddisc as well. Also, you can clean the fans and check the powersupply. Disconnect any unnecessary extra equipment (webcams, printers etc). After doing this, try to run it.

I did that already.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
x( Aw living in an waterhole,is raining every day,by 3-4 days...does that happen worldwide or only in mine stupid country ?
Centuries Of Damn

when you're at sauna and temperatury is 100 celsius, you throw more water to stove in a sauna and yell every curse you know. You feel alive!

also listening same time radio rock (finnish radio station), drinking alcohol and girl next to you isn't bad at all :D
And the second largest penis in animal kindom
Every curse I know? Bloody 'ellfire, I could sit there for days! And if I had all the international cursewords as well, believe me, I'd dehydrate! I feel quite alive now, speaking like an ol' scotsman/pirate. Got me, son? Good, you defecating buffalo! Now, what're yer glarin' at, yer bag of mule dump?
Originally Posted by aslask View Post
Now, what're yer glarin' at, yer bag of mule dump?

Yarr, I are glarin' at the bag of mule dump. Ye' can't do anythin' 'bout it.
It's just lyin' there.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Originally Posted by Tapion View Post
Yarr, I are glarin' at the bag of mule dump. Ye' can't do anythin' 'bout it.
It's just lyin' there.

Yer ain't got der accent right, lad. It' called "Nothin'", not "Anythin'". Yer better straighte' up, or yer grades will drop li' a rawk.