/enters-friendly :P
Erm...Hello guys, Anybody wanna go ingame. Spar or Aikido??
I'd prefer Aikido though..I kinda suck at sparring
Last edited by Muur; Feb 19, 2011 at 06:19 AM.
Gamer Of Gamers
Oops I didn't actually edit, I meant to click quote and missclicked. Anyways, I wish I could, but I'm writing my GM app and I need to do a good job on this.
Anyways, all online members do this^ in-case you need to get to know him better before you vote on the app.
Hey Mamakal, /jo adv for some akido fun. I'll be there, and I'll see if I can get a few more of us to come with me.
#Magnus - #Sigma