Yeah I was reading about it in my GI issue while I was taking a shit. You can buy new pieces of armor and gadgets and customize Ezio extensively. I haven't been this excited for a game since... uh. Ever. :l
I think it will be better than the first one in some respects (i.e swimming) but will basically be the same except for some weapons and such
I hope the dyes can get really specific, like being able to dye different parts of his armor (head, torso, arms, legs, etc) different colors.

I want a Care Bear Assassin.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
As I am into formulas lately, heres my forumla for this game:
GTA * Middle Ages * Ninja Dude Guy * Customization * Cool gadgets - Awesome guns - Hijacking - Cursing = Fun
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Originally Posted by Cretor View Post
Did no one read my last post? You color the assassin whatever color you want. If the armor starts off black for some reason, you can buy purple dye and make it purple, or buy white dye and make it white, ect.

No I saw. My response was not to you, and wasn't really about me whining about not being able to get black armor (now I know I can). It was about him saying black was cliché, and me disagreeing.
Forget the Dev Diary, this just came out.

FUCK YEAH. Sadly due to school I won't have time to play until Thanksgiving break, which for me is from next Wednesday all the way up to two Mondays from now. Five days :3
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
I couldn't really stand the repetativeness of all the missons in the first AC. It was fun and such, though. This really is a breath of fresh air. But, I just wonder how they exactly changed the missions and how they'll be carried out this time. AC 1 was basically:

1: Go to the town containing the target.
2: Go to the safe haven for Assassin's and pick up basic information on target.
3: Interrogate knowledgeable citizen for additional information.
4: Kill target and gtfo.

Over and over.

That's just the main thing I'm hoping there won't be so much of.