It's all good Sledg, you aren't required to have Skype, i however, do not post updates and such via the Forums, i keep to skype as its a great method of getting my messages to everyone nice and quickly. Apart from that, welcome to (Vibe), hope you feel nice and cozy, if you get any Clan issues, don't hesitate to PM me.
Alright Hurricane, i understand. It would be selfish and foolish to try and change your clan for that it is perfect for me. And yeah you were not mean to me at all. And imaslayaa, thanks for agreeing, i think its crucial to be forum active to be a full player, but again, not trying to change the clan. Sparky, i check the forums a lot, so if I see you guys are in a room that potentially could be a war or clan room, ill join. And I have been very welcome into this clan by the players, more than any clan I have been in!
Oh no I wasn't saying you were being selfish. It is human nature to try and make things fit around thereself. So you weren't being a Dick or anything.
Naw don't worry I wasn't. And it says that we are still awaiting Rome to accept the prizes for the war Thanks Sparky for telling me about the war, I got it an hour after it was sent, but as I just said it doesn't look like it took place. Thanks guys, I'm probably done for the night so if the war happens sorry I won't be able to participate