Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
Well, there was this one fellow.

He was mexican.
He went to my school.
He had a full head of dark brunette hair.
One day he said he was really hot.
The next day he had shaved his head.
He said he did it because he was hot that day and wanted to cool off.
After trying a bunch of different ways to do so.
He came to the conclusion that shaving his head would provide the most cooling effect.
Later on in the year he ran for class president and won thanks to this guy dancing for his campaign.

True story.

T1cux: clan have eggs.
Okay... Let's see. There's this one kid in my gym class, and although I don't really enjoy him-- nobody in the class does-- he still talks to me. He's got something to say about everything.
I'm one of the only people who actually puts any effort into gym class, and that's because if I don't, then I won't get to go to wrestling practice.
So the other day our class had to run the mile, and of course, being the forgetful me, I had forgotten my shorts. So I had to walk the track while everyone else ran. Every time the kid passed me, he made a remark. It was mostly "I'm kicking your ass today." After the run, he got really cocky, and started going on about just how fast he was. He made it a point to single out everybody that he thought he was faster than in the school, and would not let me interject a single comment.
So the next day in class I had to make up the mile~ I ran it in 6:11 seconds-- it's not the best time in the world, but I beat the kid's time by a minute and a half. I made it a point to rub it in his face, because of how annoying he was the day before. He simply laughed, and said he was much faster than me. So I challenged him to a race. He barely kept up with me, so when we finished I smirked his way. He still didn't get the idea.
Instead of admitting defeat, he decided to bring up another subject in which he was better than everyone else. So he decided to bring up economics. Unfortunately, he didn't even know what Micro, and Macro economics was, so I had gotten him once again. But he STILL didn't get the point. Now he was going on about how insane he felt he was at Call Of Duty. So I offered to play against him, and beat him-- to this day, he still has not added me. I argued with him for two walking laps around the track, and got nowhere at all. I was beginning to grow pissed off. We have been on bad terms ever since.

I've got another story about him too.
The other day in the locker room, he bumped into me. For that, he turned to me and said "You're lucky I'm so nice. Or I'd kick your ass." I wasn't sure whether or not he was joking, so I laughed, and said "And you're lucky I'm not about to break your arms."
I turned and left, but he followed me out into gym class and asked me to break one of his arms. With a very wide smile, I took his arm into my hands, and began to put the right amount of pressure onto his elbow. But like a wuss, he took his arm back, and said "If you actually broke my arm, I'd sue you so bad, you'd be living on the streets." To which, I replied "You offered me to break your arm, and everyone in this room would back me anyway." The guys next to me nodded. Even the teacher would have backed me-- the kid had previously gotten into a little disagreement about the teacher's race.
What I HATE is when people use things like gay, etc. as an insult. I mean really, people. If you are ACTUALLY gay that it really shouldn't be a problem because it's the given person's choice and free will, and if you aren't why are you being "insulted" with the term. Jeez.
Proud iCoF Leiutenant.You strike first. I strike last.
gay means stupid nowadays, nothing to do with sexuality anymore. most people are respectful by now. faggot.
◕ ◡ ◕ [VIP]
I don't like people who blame everything on themselves and fucks off anyone who tries to cheer them up.

Story time!:
There was a guy named Lium(it's pronounced the way it's spelt.)He's in my gym class,and when we lose in a game,he gets pissed off like crazy.

Well,once,we were playing indoor soccer(it was rainy outside),where a three vs. three match goes for 1 minutes(split into two teams).I was in his group with another guy,and we made our team behind by three points.He started complaining and such,I tried to cheer him up,he kept complaining still,angerier and angerier.Then,I said something that sparked him up this happened:

Him:Are you making fun of my health?(he's overweight.)
Me:No,I'm just saying maybe if you work out a li-
Him:You're making fun of my health!
Me: Well Li-
OH,and a quick thing to say,the room was split into boys and girls,so there was a big metal bar splititng the room.
Him:*tries to swing the metal bar at me*
Me:Are you trying to hurt me?(it was only barley touching my ankles each try)
Him:Yes,but if I had more momentum,I could hit you with it.(it's a pretty big ass metal bar,but it's so heavy and big it coulden't hurt you.)
Me:Well,if you worked out more,you could hurt me with it(some sort of motovational phrase.)
Well,it went like that until the end of the gym class.
I used to have this friend... Friend who was fun to talk to, and it was fun to play games with him.
After first three years of school, we had to move away from the class we were in, but that didn't stop us to play and talk together.
That fun continued for about four years.

One day, he was once again spending a night at my home.
Yet again, we had fun playing and talking.
About what he did later... I bet he was just faking everything, faking the fun, faking the friendship... Everything. Once he was raging, he even told me...
Well, it was probably jealousy, because his family was poor and he wasn't allowed to get the games he wanted, so he decided to steal stuff from me. A lot of stuff, and by that I mean, A LOT. All the Dragonball mangas (42 volumes), several PS2 games, PSP and its games, Gameboy Advance SP...

Well, that time I wasn't reading Dragonball, playing on PS2, PSP or GBASP a lot, neither did my big brothers or parents or cats, so I didn't really notice.

After a few weeks, we were still doing stuff together, but I think he didn't come to us anymore.
Well, I had a week long religious school in a different place, and there I met a friend of my friend. My friend had said that his friend lies a lot.
Well, the friend of my friend asked me to go to the same room with him, and we got well together.

Eventually, he brought out the topic of all my friend's new stuff, and unfortunately, he said that my friend had bought all of the stuff from me.
As you may guess, after the religion school, I made my move.
I didn't even say a word to my friend, I called his father and told what he had done, and his father truly believed me because he was also told that the stolen stuff was bought from me, and he was really suspicious about it because he hadn't given any money for the stuff. Yes, my friend wasn't, and still isn't very smart.

Well, I went there with my mother, and there was three full boxes of stuff what he stole from me.

But now that I think of it, that time I was stupid... After a while I eventually started to be with my friend again. He had called me again and again and again, trying to apologize, but I didn't answer him... But once I answered him, and then I said it was all okay, and we were friends yet again.

What an error. I really shouldn't have said that.

Well, nothing was right after that. We still talked via MSN, but not as lot as we used to. Barely even daily talked. He didn't visit us.
And then... We both got out of comprehensive school, and went to the same school and class after that.

Woot. What a horrible thing.

We were in the school together, but... Well, I realized that I annoyed him all the time, and I realized how stupid he was.
But that wasn't all. I realized that he still fucking had more stolen stuff from me.
He just came to me and said "hey, I don't have that game anymore btw olololo." Yes, he indeed is very stupid.
Well, the night after that, I made a small search, and didn't find the game anywhere.
And that time I didn't find GBASP either. That made me rage so much.

All the time he licked my ass by saying "you're my best friend" and such. That was annoying me, too, btw.
But behind the words, all he wanted was to use me make himself look better, plus to get all the stuff he wanted from me.
I have seen kids who abuse their cats, I have heard of fathers who rape their daughters for decades making them pregnant in their basement, people who sell their children to have money... But this is the first time ever I have heard, felt, seen, experienced of a person who fakes 10 years of friendship to get some games, consoles and something to read.

I hate him.
I hate him so much I want to hurt him.

Nowadays I'm with the others, and they're a lot funnier than that person ever could be.
They're funny, they're talkative, they know what they're talking about.
Whenever I look at him, I see him in the corner, all alone, playing RuneScape.

So today at school, someone comented on how long my nails are. My friend comes in as i'm explaining that since i play classical guitar, it sounds better to pluck with long nails, and says "it's because he plays bass and you can't play bass with a pick". I'm like "STFU, that's not why", but he keeps on insisting on that. This friend plays bass clarinet REALLY badly, and so naturally assumes he knows all about guitars as well.
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
I used to have this friend... Friend who was fun to talk to, and it was fun to play games with him.
After first three years of school, we had to move away from the class we were in, but that didn't stop us to play and talk together.
That fun continued for about four years.

One day, he was once again spending a night at my home.
Yet again, we had fun playing and talking.
About what he did later... I bet he was just faking everything, faking the fun, faking the friendship... Everything. Once he was raging, he even told me...
Well, it was probably jealousy, because his family was poor and he wasn't allowed to get the games he wanted, so he decided to steal stuff from me. A lot of stuff, and by that I mean, A LOT. All the Dragonball mangas (42 volumes), several PS2 games, PSP and its games, Gameboy Advance SP...

Well, that time I wasn't reading Dragonball, playing on PS2, PSP or GBASP a lot, neither did my big brothers or parents or cats, so I didn't really notice.

After a few weeks, we were still doing stuff together, but I think he didn't come to us anymore.
Well, I had a week long religious school in a different place, and there I met a friend of my friend. My friend had said that his friend lies a lot.
Well, the friend of my friend asked me to go to the same room with him, and we got well together.

Eventually, he brought out the topic of all my friend's new stuff, and unfortunately, he said that my friend had bought all of the stuff from me.
As you may guess, after the religion school, I made my move.
I didn't even say a word to my friend, I called his father and told what he had done, and his father truly believed me because he was also told that the stolen stuff was bought from me, and he was really suspicious about it because he hadn't given any money for the stuff. Yes, my friend wasn't, and still isn't very smart.

Well, I went there with my mother, and there was three full boxes of stuff what he stole from me.

But now that I think of it, that time I was stupid... After a while I eventually started to be with my friend again. He had called me again and again and again, trying to apologize, but I didn't answer him... But once I answered him, and then I said it was all okay, and we were friends yet again.

What an error. I really shouldn't have said that.

Well, nothing was right after that. We still talked via MSN, but not as lot as we used to. Barely even daily talked. He didn't visit us.
And then... We both got out of comprehensive school, and went to the same school and class after that.

Woot. What a horrible thing.

We were in the school together, but... Well, I realized that I annoyed him all the time, and I realized how stupid he was.
But that wasn't all. I realized that he still fucking had more stolen stuff from me.
He just came to me and said "hey, I don't have that game anymore btw olololo." Yes, he indeed is very stupid.
Well, the night after that, I made a small search, and didn't find the game anywhere.
And that time I didn't find GBASP either. That made me rage so much.

All the time he licked my ass by saying "you're my best friend" and such. That was annoying me, too, btw.
But behind the words, all he wanted was to use me make himself look better, plus to get all the stuff he wanted from me.
I have seen kids who abuse their cats, I have heard of fathers who rape their daughters for decades making them pregnant in their basement, people who sell their children to have money... But this is the first time ever I have heard, felt, seen, experienced of a person who fakes 10 years of friendship to get some games, consoles and something to read.

I hate him.
I hate him so much I want to hurt him.

Nowadays I'm with the others, and they're a lot funnier than that person ever could be.
They're funny, they're talkative, they know what they're talking about.
Whenever I look at him, I see him in the corner, all alone, playing RuneScape.


I never had anything like that happen to me, but I could tell there was a lot of emotion behind that one. You know, I guess I dislike people like that all the same. I mean, it's a really tough thing to fake friendship like that, unless you're cold as ice, and greedy as hell. But you know that he got his 'just desserts'. Anyone who still plays RuneScape all alone in a corner probably shouldn't have gotten out of elementary school. Honestly, that was the worst game I've ever played-- consumed a hell of a lot of my time, all the same-- that kid must have some bad taste in games.

But yeah. People like that suck.
This is a nice story
...For the other guy
Alright well I was fat for my entire life until around 7-8th grade when i discovered what excercise was.in 5th grade I always hated this really skinny blondie named Tristan.So i one day said "I'M gonna kick this boys ass"so at recess I call him out to fight at the side of the school(where no teachers can see us) and he got really scared but still said yes.So we started to fight and I tried to charge at him and he swung at me while I was running...I lost
Originally Posted by guitarookid View Post
Anyone who still plays RuneScape all alone in a corner probably shouldn't have gotten out of elementary school. Honestly, that was the worst game I've ever played-- consumed a hell of a lot of my time, all the same-- that kid must have some bad taste in games.

I would play RuneScape if the shit community would begone.

And yes, he does have a bad taste in games for a gamer... He calls himself a gamer, yet the first and the last thing he criticizes in game is graphics.

I prove it by showing him games like Cave Story, Iji and Spelunky.
And the respond was "no one will fucking ever play games with such shitty graphics", maybe with not swears but eh.

Before us breaking from eachother, there was an other friend... He was smart, he had a life, he was athletic and he had general knowledge. Only minus I can find is that he was pretty selfish, but he showed it by the funny way.

Okay, well, this story begins the same way as the previous one - We spent a lot of time together, had fun etc.
It continued like that for like 5 years.
At the beginning of our friendship he was pretty fat and spend a lot of his time on reading books and playing games on computer, but eventually he realized that he should be more athletic... And the huge workout begun.
It didn't affect me, I still spent my life the normal way - being on computer and being thin. Lol.
And soon after that, we both moved to the same junior high school... New students, new teachers.
He befriended many other students fast, and he was liked by the teachers.
I was still pretty neutral with everyone.

Well... If someone's reading this, he/she might be wondering what happened with us... Everything seemed to be pretty good.

Yeah, the truth is, even I don't know what happened... To him.
Around halfway of the ninth grade, he invited an other person to be with us. He was another one of those who spend most of their time on computer... But he wasn't like me, he was more like a "hardcore computer user", spent his time on 4chan /b/ and trolling. But he knew many programming languages, and he was occasionally fun to talk with.

Anyways... Near the end of the ninth grade, we were about to go for a school trip.
Yaay. Fun.

When the whole class went in the bus, and the bus drove away from the school, I was sleepy... So I decided to put on my MP3 player and listen to it.
Sometimes I looked around and saw that my friend and the other one was talking.
After a while, I don't know how long it had been after we left, my friend next to me shove me, and I took off the... I don't know the English word for it, but the smaller versions of headphones that go inside your ear.
Anyways, my friend said "talk more", loud and clear. Well, okay, maybe I should.
The other friend started off by insulting me. Well, I was often insulted by my friend, so I took it as a joke.
But you know, 20 minutes of listening them both saying insults of me and telling a few of them to others and laughing so loud at them that others were like "what the hell is happening", it wasn't fun anymore.
I just should've gone back to listen my music peacefully, but then, my friend decided to tell the other friend about some personal stuff what I had told him.
After a while of those, I started raging inside so much that I could barely bear it, but I knew that if I started to scream to them to stop, they would just make more fun of me.
They made fun of my hearing problem, they made fun of my mole on my chin, clothes, hair, everything, even my mother, father, brothers, cats... And that stealing friend of mine.
Yes, I trusted him a lot, so I had told him about some secrets of mine.
And now he was telling them out loud to my other friend. Plus, he had a loud voice, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone else heard about them, too, but at least nobody notified about it.

And that was just the beginning.

When we arrived in our destination, an island, the whole class was divided in to rooms.
We were able to choose with who we wanted to be earlier.
...You might've guessed that of course those two "friends" of mine, we all were together in one room.

The school trip lasted three days.
Three days of insulting in an island, and we all three had to be in the same room.

I barely even talked to them after my "friend" revealed some personal stuff about me in the bus. And, of course, that was one of the thousands and even more thousands of subjects what they invented about me.
Also, they noticed my rage, and that was one subject, too.

Luckily, in the last day of our school trip, they were outside with the others, doing what I wasn't seeing. I just lied in my room doing nothing, and whenever they came in our room, I left for a walk.

And then, we left from the island.
Same boat, same bus...
Same seats.

After the insulting hell, there was four days of vacation... Of course I blocked them in MSN, and the hacker one didn't make new accounts to MSN to insult me more.
And after that vacation, there was one week of school... That time I spent with a few other friends of mine.
And whenever they had the chance, they insulted me from afar. If I responded them, they responded with "did he really say something!?".

Immediately after the school ended, we had the "leaving party" or whatever it's called in school, I walked fast, almost ran away from the school.

Great way to end the comprehensive school, eh?

After the ninth grade had ended, we haven't been on contact... We haven't seen each other.

But the other friend, we are in the same school, same class.
He isn't acting anyway like he used to, probably because the other one isn't here...

Thank god my convincing for him to come to this school failed.

EDIT: Don't worry, after this I don't have anymore these kind of friendship-gone-wrong stories... There has happened something more interesting with my friendship besides these, but those usually ended up with me and the friend just laughing about the situation.
Last edited by Tonakai; Oct 28, 2009 at 10:42 PM.