Originally Posted by Chickenpox View Post

Sup guise, stomping dem 2500 kitty cleave's all day

Nice ui you got there
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Ehh I changed from TukUI back to default (with different userframes and bag addons and what not) seems to have increased my FPS by quite a bit, feels a lot more smooth :O

Then again I could just play on lower settings...
Soooo, Servers still down, What do?

I wish they would just be like, They will be up at 3 (Even though, they probably wont be) than saying SERVERS UP IN AN HOUR, every hour, since 9.
Maek me sad

also, just realized WTB updates on char page :3 Is main, UD preist Is Alt, Troll Warrior
Last edited by Chickenpox; Jul 20, 2010 at 11:15 PM.
My subscription ran out T_T no funds. Guess I wont reach my goal of tanking a 25 man.
I had my warrior at a 3.8 gs before I logged off to never come back :[
3.8gs is literally nothing

if you meant 3.8k it'd still be way low for tanking 25 mans.
So apparently I got a beta for cata and I don't even play/haven't been playing for shit long.

I also don't remember my secret question and answer that it is prompting me to put in, oh well.