Endurance Onslaught 6.0
the only good change was the elo reset which only helps before the first month is over (and causes problems i will cover later). they still haven't implemented any of the other changes they were talking about before the new season (check rank 1 and 2 on the ranked 2s leaderboard, should give insight to what i'm talking about). only real high points of the season are the new visual things (new boosts, new trade-up system which should definitely contain more items, etc). people are now complaining that the elo reset is causing issues because there is very little reason to play if you are currently champion+ because the chances that you will face someone champion+ is minimal and you gain nearly no points out of playing someone 2 or 3 ranks below yours. this was a huge problem back during the bronze-silver-gold-platinum times when pros in plat would play people in bronze or silver or even gold and they would actually gain 0 points (i actually remember playing someone in plat when i was gold in 1s and i lost nothing when i lost). not as bad as before, but might as well be. only real solution to fixing this is to make it so people can only play against/with people within 1 rank of their rank, but that raises the issue of queue times which would completely kill the ranking system. there's no reason to play at decently high ranks solely to rank up because chances are you are going to rank down unless you are a top player. the only reason i am playing right now is to practice.

can't say i'm impressed with the new season, but i guess it's a step in the right direction?

anyway, azzeffir23 - literally just play the game and keep practicing. how many hours do you currently have? if you are at around 50-150 you probably should technically be around those ranks, if you've upwards of 200-300, figure out what you're doing wrong. are you making mechanical mistakes, is your positioning bad, are you predictable? also, watch pro streams. most importantly, put in the time to play the game every day and you will be good.

also also, thought i'd mention because it's pretty cool, was chosen to play on a team that is being coached by haku (professional player/streamer), should be fun.
Last edited by Faint; Jul 26, 2016 at 02:05 PM.
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
anyway, azzeffir23 - literally just play the game and keep practicing. how many hours do you currently have? if you are at around 50-150 you probably should technically be around those ranks, if you've upwards of 200-300, figure out what you're doing wrong. are you making mechanical mistakes, is your positioning bad, are you predictable? also, watch pro streams. most importantly, put in the time to play the game every day and you will be good.

I have like 88 hours on the game. I don't say i'm total shit and i don't know what i'm doing,i actually play really good in all categories. (aerials, goalkeeper or striker and i do also play good in team play so i'm not a bad team mate at all) but i do shit mistakes like jumping too early for an aerial or when i hit an aerial it isn't on the goal at all and the list of mistakes continues.
Originally Posted by Zockinator View Post
Can't confirm. Was Challenger Elite last season, am Shooting Star and rising atm.

I like it.

i just hate it because i need to play again to get it lol.

Just don't have the time to anymore. But like cmon, 10/10 won and prospect elite... lol

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Virus View Post
Isn't it after you win so many games in a row you only need 1 win to rank up in a division?

ya, sometimes you can get two divisions at once as well, it's all based off of points and mmr. at the start of the season i went from division 3 to division 5 at challenger 2 in 1s, was pretty much gaining or losing a division every win/loss as well.