Okay so

ishi - ishi
kitfox - my roommate
deak - an idiot who enjoys football
zayex - nfi who zayex is but he's likely not a good troll and is instead just dumb

my list looks different than yours
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
Originally Posted by Eleeleth View Post
Okay so

ishi - ishi
kitfox - my roommate
deak - an idiot who enjoys football
zayex - nfi who zayex is but he's likely not a good troll and is instead just dumb

my list looks different than yours

nononono, those are what most of the community reference to when they reference a member.
Originally Posted by Tyzex View Post
Juntalis thinks he's a forum meme.

fyi oldschoolers: Your join date does not make you a meme.

What's this about join dates? Newfags thinking they're cool or something now? As the godking emperor of everything ever, I empower join dates with the unique ability to decide coolness. Begone, heathens.
Ancient [Evil]
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post

Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
Originally Posted by Beast View Post
What's this about join dates? Newfags thinking they're cool or something now? As the godking emperor of everything ever, I empower join dates with the unique ability to decide coolness. Begone, heathens.

Get out hyde.

Also, my meme is that everyone has to be mean to me.

Also leel why you stalkin' me bro.

also hi I'm alive
(I didn't save the parts where I called him an autistic 12-year-old.

classic autist

Since he wanted to join the clan so badly, I'm guessing he said that as a way of saying "omg I ben n dis k000l cln elf so I m rly gud playr gud @ twinsowrd lemme join cani jion plzzzz"
When I was the one man army/clan war king of toribash
Goood times goood times.
Zazo in his prime
when zazo never plays

then LoL

Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up