Originally Posted by kill828 View Post
Im unaware of what 7c means. In america, (more specifically in Missouri, as all the states cant agree with each-other) we take an EOC test with only 4 levels, advanced, proficient, basic, below basic.

explanation please?

A 7c is pretty much just below advance.
Oh, that sounds optimal, considering Americans consider things that aren't advanced, advanced, you probably would be placed in advanced instead of where you assume we put our "advanced" standards.
Last edited by kill828; Feb 20, 2014 at 10:14 PM.
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
I was saying that we call stuff that isnt neccissarily truely advanced "advanced" whereas it should be proficient instead. Its hard to explain D:
Also, i assumed he assumed that our advanced is higher than it really is, and thus stated that he would actually belong in where we put our advanced.
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
Originally Posted by Kradel View Post
Went into a betting server with 5k. Came out with 10k

Wow nice man i lose all my money on betting servers
So hey guys, you probably don't remember me, I was part of Essence Minor sometime before Christmas. My computer broke and i was just able to get another one, and thats why I was AFK for so long, can rejoin the clan?
Originally Posted by nickbritt0 View Post
So hey guys, you probably don't remember me, I was part of Essence Minor sometime before Christmas. My computer broke and i was just able to get another one, and thats why I was AFK for so long, can rejoin the clan?

Hai im enishi nice to meet you
When i was young i collected yugioh cards. All of them weigh roughly 5 pounds
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.