@kam: sure, as long as they're just as awesome as you ;)

Anyways, sorry for not posting the app yet. I got carried away with drawing tentacles and stuff... ._.
Also, it seems that we can change the clan name/tag without paying anything to anyone and it's quite easy to do.

Today I'll be attending the first lecture in the university. Thus I am going to be somewhat busy.
Will post the app today later on, though... Hopefully...

btw, why have the in-game brackets changed back to original ones?
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
arty, prolly because they started to think right and noticed (name) is lame. kammy! u is frien crazy too?
Like a lie
@kammy are they gud at sp / spar, cause we need sum profesional replay makers

Also shock ur new name sux ass change it bak
Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
@kammy are they gud at sp / spar, cause we need sum profesional replay makers

Also shock ur new name sux ass change it bak

bish, i don't have 200k to change it back, neither will i if i do have.
Originally Posted by kameron View Post
Haven't been to school yet to ask them to join.
I'm going tomorrow, so I'll have more info then.

they is fun?
Like a lie
/me logged in
/me opened toriclan
/me refreshed the toriclan page
/me 'ed

Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
@kammy are they gud at sp / spar, cause we need sum profesional replay makers

too bad thedevill is a bit inactive atm
edit: eh, wanna make a chain replay? (not sure how to say it, but what I mean is, like, someone start making a replay until frame xx, and after that someone else continue until frame yy, and so on..)
Last edited by J0Y; Aug 30, 2012 at 06:06 PM.
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.