Originally Posted by guinomu View Post
Man im not sayin about 2nd option. I left Hunters cuz i wanted a real ingame clan, and i stayed a long time clanless, waitin to find a cool clan, im not a clanhopper, i just dont want a clan that i need to post often with my dial up, i want a wushulovers clan with real pro ppl, and u seems to fit in dis

it's not about clan hoping or hunter, it's about the fact that a month ago you applied for and were denied by Hung.
Ass is a common ghetto suffix
deady, go easy on barbeque, nag on guinomu
Last edited by k6vamees; Mar 16, 2009 at 11:01 PM.
But why's the rum gone? :v
BTW vam your signautre is gettting bigger each time I see you mate =)

And deady, iv been hanging a lot with you guys, im at TKnights because of my brother. But he thinks it would be a great oppurunity to be here. And this clan WAS my first choice. Chillax mate ^_^
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
think i must disagree, he was rather postponed, cause he joined toriknights judgement day is close
But why's the rum gone? :v
Lol it wasnt even a denial, It was my brother invited me to TKnights and I got over excited and before Sahee told me what he truly thought I was like POOF gone
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Nikelaos View Post
it's not about clan hoping or hunter, it's about the fact that a month ago you applied for and were denied by Hung.

oh well. To be honest, you have no chances whatsoever cause of those guys judging you all day long when I'm not around. I lost the page where your application was. To be honest, as you might calm some people down, you shouldn't really order them around or anything, guys. It's getting fucking annoying not to be able to pass a verdict on an applicant cause somebody else or even few people already denied him for some reasons. Sometimes for a reasons that don't really feel sound to me...
"Please" let me do it, or at least don't burry his application so deep under your vast constant criticism (when the fuck have you all became so damn critic btw? I thought we were loving and helping, only me was raging, but somehow suddenly everybody passes mean comments, everybody says what they think - even if it's annoying; suddenly everybody is all over the place with themselves. >.> what the hell happened?xD). And to note in the future: guys stop being mean for it's own sake >.>. It's a tool to get the message sink in. For people to listen to you ;P. But that's not really necessary for a person who has no real power in this clan... - sorry for this comment, I think it's getting a bit "rough" on the water here and I want to grab the wheel, and maybe quiet the ship down, cause, though everybody is a pirate here, we have too many captains :P.

If you pass criticism here, let it be brief.
You might get some clues, but apart from that, all this cacophony drives me nuts!
Just cut yourself short. Be funny like schecz, or maldi, sure. Don't hesistate. But don't act like a captain, please. I think. I'll get there, say what I mean. Case closed. No more appeals, not much more explanation needed. Skull's cracked? Send me the next one. Sahhamer saved? Then put the tag on or wait for a final verdict. It's like in the ring here god damn it. Stop talking, start fighting, or whatever ;P. Eh I got a bit out of the subject.

I don't like the way it looks recently. Even Hax posts his opinions here, though he's not even in yet. WTF?!

Hax - you gotta wait. You surprise me from time to time, which makes me want to take a closer look at you before I let you in or not.
To be honest I'm not concerned now so much about you being hyper. I have my hyper days too (almost always), and it's nice to have someone who can keep up ;p, but I don't really know if I won't throw you out very soon for some reason (mentioned below), and I really don't want to fuck you up this way.

You know -making you leave your brother, and then throwing you out RA cause of X-reason.
And you might expect me to do it if you give me a chance and reason not to believe you can fit in quick >.>
You're good, but... questionable sometimes. You know - using simple move or giving me suspicion you copycat. I don't like that. I want to feel secure with you guys. Knowing we can deal with the small stuff and slowly to start conquering the world. And I want you, hax, to define yourself in my eyes before I put a final mark on your ass, and send you to hell or to heaven.

Originally Posted by k6vamees View Post
deady, go easy on barbeque, nag on guinomu

You all go easy on everybody >.>. It was supposed not to be a clan of douches. But clan of cool people lead by strict but fair, ruthless ("plox plox plox" doesn't work) guy. A dangerous man, surrounded by the talented (one way or another) goodies. A knife in the party cake... or, what?! >.> knife in the cake?!

Anyway yea, please don't turn into me. I'm not a good person to be trying to be, if that's what some of you are trying to do - act like Sahee, cause it (defying all logic) works sometimes. >.>

Originally Posted by Nikelaos View Post
yeah technically we were his first choise but he was denied

He wasn't. That's one of those times you don't shut up that I don't like, Nike ;P, and one of the above mentioned times where random members are passing untrue or unnecessary judgements that I need to straighten up or omit. When looking for a burried deep something of the essence ;p, a person that I can get in or not. ;/ I know, your comments bring life to this thread. Some of you spot some nice things pretty quick - like somebody being in one clan or another. But if that matters and will that help or prevent him from joining - that's not really for everybody to judge in the whole cacophony of voices in this thread . I'm repeating myself, so that the message really sinks in - loosen up on some tasks in this clan - and I could even slap some of you (verbally) in the face, for you to remember this moment ;P. Hell yea, that's what it's all about >.>! Or isn't it?

Hax was never denied. He was asked to shut the fuck up a little if he was to join. He couldn't stand the pressure due to his r-l events that made him unnerved, "hyper" you might say. And the storry continues. I look at him. I like him, maybe he'll be in if he proves he's what I can bear. He was never denied yet. Never accepted. That's why he keeps interest. Why he keeps posting.

Originally Posted by hxcbbqimo View Post
Lol it wasnt even a denial, It was my brother invited me to TKnights and I got over excited and before Sahee told me what he truly thought I was like POOF gone

Well yea ^. I guess you just couldn't stand waiting, and you went to a temporary clan, hax. Your brother's. You still are looking up to a place in RA, that you're ready to take. Which is good, and which I keep thinking of giving to you. We must get a closer look at each other tho. I don't know if you're fully know what are you getting into. And I don't know if I know who the fuck you are;p.

It's like Satan considering a mortal, who wants to get in to hell from purgatory. Cyas'.
Last edited by Sahee; Mar 17, 2009 at 01:00 AM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
Lol very well put. Lol theres a great and dramatic story line to "The Hax Stories". Lol if I do join RA, least i'll have a good story xD.

Adressing who I am: Im a person who plays way too much, I get a bit emotional some times, but I think you and I enjoy each other a lot. Not to get sensitive, I love kicking ass with all of the RelaxAll people. Here is where I think im at: I think when it comes to pre-made openers, I make my own moves, Nikelaos can verify I make them up on my own (ill admit the extend glutes thing is a bit cookie cutter) but I put my own spin on that to. My improv while isnt amazing is still strong as youv seen with my match against shec where I lost my leg and kept the fight going into 100thousands damage.

I talked to my brother, he thinks its a great oppurunity even though he thinks I might miss the knights.

Soo, from here, what would you like me to do . Yo'?
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Mar 17, 2009 at 12:59 AM.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by hxcbbqimo View Post
Lol very well put. Lol theres a great and dramatic story line to "The Hax Stories". Lol if I do join RA, least i'll have a good story xD.

Adressing who I am: Im a person who plays way too much, I get a bit emotional some times, but I think you and I enjoy each other a lot. Not to get sensitive, I love kicking ass with all of the RelaxAll people. Here is where I think im at: I think when it comes to pre-made openers, I make my own moves, Nikelaos can verify I make them up on my own (ill admit the extend glutes thing is a bit cookie cutter) but I put my own spin on that to. My improv while isnt amazing is still strong as youv seen with my match against shec where I lost my leg and kept the fight going into 100thousands damage.

I talked to my brother, he thinks its a great oppurunity even though he thinks I might miss the knights.

Soo, from here, what would you like me to do .

Stop doing openers that look like "common" ones or copycatted. Never give up or do simple moves. Try not to dq. Ever. Bear my attitude. Keep around RA members when you see them, and don't quit if you get in, and I don't want you to. Be cool, represent, and don't give me a reason :P. Also feel free to bend the rules, and speak your mind, but expect me shouting at you if you bend them over too much or crack some. I dunno, basically is ALL I want. There are or were people around or in the clan, who don't do some things from that list, but eh, that's my dream member's profile, haha :P. Think you gonna cope with that?

Oh and just a pointer: overuse of "lol" pisses me off :P. Use emotes xD. But let not all you say be just emotes xD. And have something intresting or/and funny to say from time to time, at least. Yo'.

Is that it?

Did I miss something, class? >.> *poses as a teacher*

EDIT'D: I b'd all the part of your quick re-app that I thought was brilliant. Especially valuing "adressing who I am" - that proves you read my last post xD and it doesn't leave it up to guess whose oppinion are you waiting for so that noone can cut in without it being apparent it'd be cutting in ;P. Good app!

You get a rising-star-shaped medal for a good example of RApplying; a pack of scooby-snacks and a friendly pat on the back with my hammer. Good job;). You can adapt, and that's... awesome...

You got + 10 to your "to apply" rolls, and + 25000 XP. ;p

Besides: I usually tend to re-edit my last posts >.> a lot. So if you see some parts that aren't "clear" enough. Read again. I probably have them edited by then. If not, then don't moan anyway, as it's just a heads up!
Last edited by Sahee; Mar 17, 2009 at 01:24 AM.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"