Not bad zip! The eyes are abit sunk flat, I'd recommend adding another subtool for eyeballs, even if you keep them closed, you'l atleast be sculpting around the spheres. His nose could also do with abit more of a bridge and maybe define the lips abit more with a philtrum.

Keep it up!
Last edited by KungFuJC; Jan 11, 2010 at 01:02 PM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
i know i am just churning through heads here but i really want one that i love :P so here is another mega weird request. okay so i want you to go and listen to some music the beatles and beck especially. See i really dont have an idea of what i want it to look like just to make me think of this music. i know this is super hard so you can have all my tc 2k and a bit and any items you want from my deactivated inventory (i have sap blood and some other stuff in there) make it special and give it a try dont chicken out just because its a weird request.