Originally Posted by Belly View Post
Hi y'all i love y'all plz dont hate me k thnx. ill give you 1tc with lots of hearts.

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Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
I'm tryna lose weight

tips on topic?

Don't eat too much carbs and eat less calories than you need.
Also try to time your eating like every two hours. Smaller but more meals.

Also yeah cardio helps. Or any kind of exercise really.

Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
I'm tryna lose weight

tips on topic?

count calories ( and read up on your TDEE
I personally recommend cutting out refined sugar and caring about micronutrients (like fish oils and all that shit)
cardio is mandatory if you're really fat right now, otherwise diet is enough
I also recommend daily medium intensity workouts as opposed to killing yourself 3x a week, for various reasons
Originally Posted by codeine View Post
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Hi, don't hate me anymore. I know I yelled @ ya n you mad but i got your back if you'd let me
Driving through hell, and I done brought snow.
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
I'm tryna lose weight

tips on topic?

Tips are cool n shit but it all depends on your organism: metabolism, chronic diseases, physical form.
I'd rather you to not ask about it here not because people here doesn't know what they are talking about but because they prolly doesn't know you.
Main tip is you need to waste more energy/calories than you consume. Again, it all depends on your body.
It also depends on your goal because losing weight is a vast thing because you can lose subcutaneous fat and gain muscels and have +- the same weight
In 2017 I've been working in Colorado on two jobs, I've been eating different food, it could be grilled chicken, or dominos shit, or home cooked meal, or a restaurant meal. I also been hiking and climbing a lot when I had day offs and so I've lost like 12 kilos in the end (74 -> 62).
So it all depends. The easiest way to lose your fat is to go to your local gym, ask for a good qualificated personal trainer who can tell you what to do. He has basic knowledge in biology, biochemistry, dietology and ofcourse in fitness shit.
Like that
I know what I am talking about cuz I used to live different lives:


Last edited by Hug; Apr 11, 2019 at 02:44 AM.