Lampshade: I still don't think those were anything special, still no.

Meuhgo: Too slow and grabby I'm afraid, no for now.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Tart, to be honest your replays were a bit messy. The first one's a little too grabby for my tastes. I'm sure you can do better than that :P

Keep practising and you'll get it eventually

But for now, no. Sorry.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Onamist: You have an interesting style to say the least, though it seems be a little stiff at times. Overall they were pretty good madmen, but there are a few signs telling me that you're rushing a bit to finish the replays. In "save me", you broke your ankle. It was clearly accidental and looked unprofessional. Try not to break your own joints unless it was deliberate. Unfortunately, it's a no from me, but I'd think you're pretty close to getting in.

Daxx: I'm just going to assume you are piemanbob. Well, the first three strikes of your nograb madman looked nice, but the rest was really messy. 2nd madman was real grabby and messy, and I wouldn't call what you did at the end a skeet, but I'll get to that in a moment*. Last replay wasn't great either. You started at fairly high elevation and only managed a 180 heelflip. I think there are guys not in ORMO who could do that starting on the ground. Overall, it wasn't TOO bad, but not nearly close enough for ORMO I'm afraid.

*Skeets. Ever since I could remember, a skeet was when you threw an object at Uke's head. Not torso. It's simply much more impressive if it were the head, since if it were anything, there are like ten pieces of Uke you could choose to throw it at. IMO, skeets should only be done when they look impressive. If Uke's head is stationary on the floor right next to you, and all you needed is to get a boner to touch it, don't bother. It's so much better when the head is 50 meters up and you threw Uke's torso at the head to dismembers the torso. Also, what I don't like is people breaking their wrist to skeet. Makes your end pose look shitty.
Last edited by DeeJayy741; Apr 26, 2010 at 10:11 AM.

DamnH3G0tM3 - You should try and make that flawless, very stylish decap otherwise.
iTS TRiCKY - Kick was a bit ugly (knee was contracted for 30 or so frames). You should perhaps develop it a bit.
Taa Daa - Same with this one; one 2DM hit isn't particularly impressive when it isn't followed up with anything.

It's a no for now, Mobi. I look forward to seeing you apply again in the future; I know you'll improve.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time