Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
If you build the way I do, ignite can't touch this

My basic attacks alone stop ignites... igniteyness and just wait until .5seconds left of ult, and just use Q for maxium protection. The extra 250 health is nice

And if you're enemy isn't dead before your ult wears off, then you obviously deserve to be dead.

If the enemy is stupid enough to engage a tryndamere with his ult up without planning on juking or proccing the ult when they still have high health, then they deserve to die. Trynd only wins a lane when people a) let him push it early to get rage and level advantage, or b) act like idiots and try to all in a trynd at 6 or the rare c) be stupid enough to let him have the chance to land several crits on you. Once trynd activates his ult, he either should be going all in on you, or running like a little bitch. If he does the first, you just juke and ignite at the end of it, if he does the second you just chase and ignite at the end of it. Either way, there's virtually no reason for ANYBODY to lose a lane to tryndamere without lucky crits or jungler ganks. And both are avoidable.

And it's pretty pointless to talk about a late game tryndamere, because he's a late game champ. It's implied that if you let the game drag on that long that you're going to lose it, but you should really never lose the early to mid game against him.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by XPaD View Post
miss the old ap Yi <3

i still cry everynight that i cant play him again though
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
If the enemy is stupid enough to engage a tryndamere with his ult up without planning on juking or proccing the ult when they still have high health, then they deserve to die. Trynd only wins a lane when people a) let him push it early to get rage and level advantage, or b) act like idiots and try to all in a trynd at 6 or the rare c) be stupid enough to let him have the chance to land several crits on you. Once trynd activates his ult, he either should be going all in on you, or running like a little bitch. If he does the first, you just juke and ignite at the end of it, if he does the second you just chase and ignite at the end of it. Either way, there's virtually no reason for ANYBODY to lose a lane to tryndamere without lucky crits or jungler ganks. And both are avoidable.

And it's pretty pointless to talk about a late game tryndamere, because he's a late game champ. It's implied that if you let the game drag on that long that you're going to lose it, but you should really never lose the early to mid game against him.

I totally agree with you!
BUT I do disagree with what you said about, you should never lose to him early-mid. With me personally, in a good lane, where neither of us are going all in, and we are just farming, I usually have around 100 cs by 10 minutes, and I already have my first strong item before I even get 6. I personally don't need my ult to all in someone, it's just his damage out burst is too strong to really get away from.
It's just
>Get full fury
>have at least 3 stacks in Q
>1 in E

And that right there can almost always get you a kill as long as you're not against some strong CC champ, or tank. And throwing in your W just makes things easier when they pussy out and try to run.

On the igniting thing, I do have to agree. But most people are quite stupid and don't do that. They always engage, and as they start attacking you, they ignite you for the extra dueling output that help you win in a 1v1 I personally don't don't even run ignite when I'm playing tryndamere.
I generally run Revive(for mid-late game purposes if I die, I can revive and run back out for a surprise rape), and the other one is more so depended on who I'm laning against. Sometimes I'll run Barrier just in case I don't have my ult, and I need a little extra time, it also helps out with ignite, pop it at the end of my ult, and I'll pop Q to help out as well, and that right there is an extra 300 health to avoid dying. And lastly, if I'm feeling like we might not do so hot. I'll put on Revive Teleport, and I'll just split push all day, or help gank if our jungler isn't doing so well.

Oracle, are you EUW, or NA?
Originally Posted by Kookoo11 View Post
No matter what, I build hydra, unless if I play ranged or ap, :3

just good that its trash still on a few champs.
aka. heca, pantheon, vi, udyr, nasus.
would never evar get an hydra on one of those...
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Bought Shyvana, had a match. Went 1/6/15
What did I do wrong

she's the same as udyr if u start playing, u suck so much that u simply cant get kills and just run around for the assists.
practice her a bit and you will get the kills, get a botrk and u will wreck everything
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