Yeah we should get into the habit of making new threads for discussing stuff like voting systems so this thread is less of a cluster fuck.

One trick which ruled out the bottom 90% of applicants when I handled recruitment for phoenix was at the bottom of the thread starter post of the recruitment thread tell them to put something in their application (like mention oranges or something) if they wanted to be accepted. We could tell them to PM redundant saying they had applied instead so it wouldn't be obviouse to people based on previous apps. You would be surprised at how few people properly read through the recruitment thread before applying. I have done 4 mock exams today (about 6-7 hours of exams I think) so I'm probably just spouting bullshit which my battered brain is too tired to realise the stupidity of what I am typing. Any thoughts?

And fuck Redundant being in charge of recruitment. He was the one who recruited me as Lmod and we all know how that turned out! What if he accepts someone as annoying an confrontational as me to the clan because he thinks "they have potential".

On a seriouse note I see no problems with the system described with Redundant having and leaders having extra voting powers ect. And in the end Link and Ele can always just take control if they disagree with Redundant.

I'm back at school now so my activity might drop in quality (AS exams in a few weeks ) hope it's not too much of a problem.
Good morning sweet princess
I also have experience with recruitment during my time under the [meta] tag. I can offer any assistance that is needed.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Every member should have a voice in who they think deserves to join and who should be casted away, so a no from other members should count as -1.
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
I wouldn't mind power without responsibility. ;o
A smarter system in my opinion would be giving every member whose reasoning skills can be trusted a veto right. One no = good bye
That way you make sure that everyone gets along well vOv
Except the people who are decided to have bad reasoning skills who will probably be a bit insulted about not being seen as reasonable enough... But yeah other than that I think that's quite a good idea.
Good morning sweet princess
We tried that before. It didn't work out, since at least one person had a beef with any new applicant. Unless the applicant is a nobody, this will happen, and no one will be accepted.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Veto dudes would have to be impartial/non-biased in their judgements. Then again, we judge on personality so that could be unavoidable.

I wouldn't like for some of our members to be voiceless. That can't be good for social cohesion.
I think majority of us have shabby reasoning skills including myself. I agree with ego. We should have a recruitment council. Members will have a say, but the council will decide the final results. Like a veto access group instead of ego guy.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Yeah. You should make a poll. This group should consist of atleast 4 people. I'd make the poll, but I need to drive.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.