Indeed it would, always next year buddie.
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
Originally Posted by NikosDEAD View Post

Someone said yesterday that Obey being number one on the leaderboards was just a glitch. I guess not.
We can just start warrin more and get back up there, ez.
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
We went from somewhere around almost 4500 points to where we are now, which is like 1700 I think.
Flames and swepples what happned ?

fine, i'll say it here.

Guys portuguese's the new oficial language.

I'll be ur master.

activity one:

hi= amo
i'm= o
cool: sol

hi i'm cool. translating it: Amo o sol

try do it guys ^^