My Application
Name: Alex Sanders
Forum activity: 8/10
In-game activity: 10/10
IRC activity: 7/10
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason): I have one infraction from disrespecting someone
Timezone: +6
Best mods: Judo, Akido, And Takkeyon
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining): Blue
Why you want to join: I want to join because i love to get REVENGE.
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making): I am good at Karate and i make Music using Garage Band
Any additional info about yourself: Not for now
Originally Posted by beaboss View Post
Name: Alex Sanders
Forum activity: 8/10
In-game activity: 10/10
IRC activity: 7/10
Previous infractions/bans(include the reason): I have one infraction from disrespecting someone
Timezone: +6
Best mods: Judo, Akido, And Takkeyon
Belt(this won't really affect your chances of joining): Blue
Why you want to join: I want to join because i love to get REVENGE.
Any other talents(e.g. art, replay making): I am good at Karate and i make Music using Garage Band
Any additional info about yourself: Not for now

For the last time, everyone
Formatted application = Instantly rejected.
David Moderated Message:
I don't mean to boast, but I'm a god.
wazzzzaaap guys my name is Lefti i have been playing toribash for 1 year but stopped for some months and started again some days ago .
i spend a lot of time playing toribash mostly aikido but it is getting boring because i have no torifriends .
i used to be in clan quantum but they kicked me because i was inactive but i told them so many times i had exams but they still kicked.
i live in greece(+2.00) and i am 14 and i am black belt
( i may not be very active in september , i have to retake my exams because i didnt pass )
You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.—Wayne Gretzky
Originally Posted by Lefti View Post
wazzzzaaap guys my name is Lefti i have been playing toribash for 1 year but stopped for some months and started again some days ago .
i spend a lot of time playing toribash mostly aikido but it is getting boring because i have no torifriends .
i used to be in clan quantum but they kicked me because i was inactive but i told them so many times i had exams but they still kicked.
i live in greece(+2.00) and i am 14 and i am black belt
( i may not be very active in september , i have to retake my exams because i didnt pass )

You will be discussed
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
will it take a lot of time ? because i am not a patient man XD
You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.—Wayne Gretzky
Originally Posted by Lefti View Post
will it take a lot of time ? because i am not a patient man XD

As long as my computer doesn't crash anymore you should have answer by the end of this week. If not by the end of today. so just hand in there buddy
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by Lefti View Post
damn i will try to wait :|

What if it took 2 weeks? Or a month?
If it's not worth your while I don't see how you're going to stay in this clan for longer than a week, if you get in, that is.
"i rlly want to join it cuz to me it is famouse" ~woodysaad
i didnt say its not worth it i am saying its boring
You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.—Wayne Gretzky