halo xguard, I like you and you should come hang in #hi with me and ishi and other people from the internet I like as well.
also yes from me
Originally Posted by Liquidoom View Post
So... no to XGuard. For now. I still want to talk to you and play with you, but I wanna see you become a ripe fruit before you join a clan like [Tribe].

What kind of farmer plants no seeds but expects to harvest a ripe fruit?
Seeing as the only concern about xguard seems to be the green behind his ears we could easily grasp for other methods other than rejection to force him to grow into the fag you folks expect.
I SAY put him on trial for one whole year. Surely that is enough to grow some plants out of his ears. He cannot participate in clanwars, join clanevents, vote on other people etc during that time. Once the trial ends he gets tested again and either thrown out or integrated.
Everyone in favor say aye.
Last edited by Redundant; Mar 31, 2014 at 03:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
How are you?
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
I SAY put him on trial for one whole year. Surely that is enough to grow some plants out of his ears. He cannot participate in clanwars, join clanevents, vote on other people etc during that time. Once the trial ends he gets tested again and either thrown out or integrated.
Everyone in favor say aye.

I really dig this idea
I like this idea, but perhaps a year is a bit much.

Perhaps a month or two?
At his current "growth" rate, I believe that should be sufficient

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
This doesn't really make much sense to me, even if it seems like a pretty good idea.
Not inviting him may test him out in the area of loyalty ... otherwise this wouldn't be a problem for XGuard i think, i don't know. Trails in general seem senseless to me since it's already an invitation to the clan.

Let's be real, we all are too nice to throw someone out after he got invited. We would never do this. For me this idea seems to be more like an excuse for inviting him anyways, ignoring his ingame skills. That may sound a bit harsh, i really love XGuard, but i hope you understand what i'm saying.
You make a good point Destram, Once he is invited he will be in tribe for ever I highly doubt that anyone will turn around and say "you haven't improved enough, You've been kicked" The reason I doubt this is that there is people who are extremely in-active now and nothing has happened about that.

I believe if Xguard was invited he would be loyal untill the end and he will become a very good player in a year or so. I don't see the point in this trial. I'd be happy if he was invited but the only concern is that, Is tribe a clan for experienced players or a nursery for learners?
Nursery is the wrong word, but I don't see why it can't be a place for both new and old players to be.
That's, at the moment, what's setting tribe aside from the rest of the clans in many respects.

Also I would happily turn around and say he's not improved enough :v
Although I believe he would, which is the primary reason I'm cool with it

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Only a pussy would insist to keep him if he fails the trial tests.
Set a fixed time for 'em when they will roughly take place, and if he fails them it's the end of story. It's his responsibility to pull through. If he doesn't he is useless as asset.
How are you?