Originally Posted by RogoCop View Post
Hello good friends, I am here to post this application because my interest in this clan has provoked. I met a man by the name of Golden and he and i quote his words that i am "decent in combat". I do take flattery in that, by i feel that i bring a comedic vibe to this place of esteemed, and grammatical correctness. I also have a nack of recording a lot of footage in-game the only problem i face is hard-drive space. ( i'm running out of it) so i can't record as much. I also play League of Legends. I hope you think of accepting me.

Yeah man, just get to know us and all that, if we like you then you'll probably have a pretty good chance of getting in.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
Originally Posted by ToasterDan View Post
Jodus, don't worry. I've seen one of your heads you made before, it was beaut. <3

Oh thanks :'>
Honestly I haven't done much heads and sets. I'm more inclined to do logos and banners.
Originally Posted by GoldenRox View Post
o_o I forgot about Jodus. I didn't really know that you did art. Could I see a few of your examples? To be honest for the art I just went to the art thread and copied the list there.

Right now I'm through cellphone so tomorrow I'll show you some stuff.
RogoCop, were you Nickroxit in IRC today? If so, sorry I didn't get to chat with you, I was working all day. But yeah, like everybody's said, just hop on IRC a lot so we can get to know you. Also, feel free to post in our threads, so we can get a feel for how you'd contribute.

Originally Posted by darkexxod View Post
You guys gonna start a recruitment thread or nah?

Well, for ingame people, we're referring them to the TLDR War Page to apply. For forumers we're pretty much invite-only, but anyone's free to post an application in this very thread.


Would everybody just prefer it if we made a simple, visible 'Post here to join' thread?
Last edited by Ele; Apr 22, 2015 at 09:29 AM.

Create a recruitment thread that serve for any kind of member.(forumer or ingame). In the future, if the applicant get accepted and shows dedication in the ingame/war side, then we can promove him to the squad position. I think the squad position should be harder to get, maybe by winning the warrior of the month achievement.
In order to win the WotM, wouldn't they naturally be a part of the squad already?

It seems simpler and more efficient to have the one recruitment thread. Everyone OK with doing our recruitment that way, or would the War Squad like to have their applicants apply in the War Page?
Originally Posted by Ele
In order to win the WotM, wouldn't they naturally be a part of the squad already?

I thought every member could win the WotM, since all have war permissions.

Also, I mean that the new members we may get in the future that would like to join the squad should prove their ingame activity before. For I suggested the WotM achievement for them to get such position.
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
In order to win the WotM, wouldn't they naturally be a part of the squad already?

It seems simpler and more efficient to have the one recruitment thread. Everyone OK with doing our recruitment that way, or would the War Squad like to have their applicants apply in the War Page?

I think we should have a flat out recruitment thread. It would encourage people to want to try and join and everyone else has one so why not?
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
<ego> ele: make no recruitment thread so there is an intellectual challenge for people who want to join
<ego> those too dumb to figure out a way to join get naturally selected and weeded out
<ego> 8/
<Ele> yer
<ego> on the other hand
<ego> rejecting people is fun
<Ele> you should post that
<ego> If I can be in charge of rejection people I am in favour of a static application process
<Ele> I'm cool with whatever we end up deciding
<ego> Human resources manager redundant
don't flatter yourself ego, and post in the right thread lol.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Alright made the thread. It's very bare-bones and provides not a whole lot of direction. This means shit applicants would be very visible and great applicants would be similarly visible. Sort of like Redundant talked about, it's a small intellectual hurdle that we'd require our applicants to jump over.