Dude, that jump over the business man then jump over the market stalls is intense.

Must have tried it ten times.

Just realized we didn't even include controls, did we?
Arrow keys to move, jump, and slide. Space bar to kick.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
If you were closer, I'd totally go to your place with hugs and cookies.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
It's been a while since I posted here...daaamn, how time flies. I guess the reason for my inactivity lately would be mainly that I've been sort of preparing for the end-of-highschool exams, and the fact that I moved house in December doesn't help either. Since then I've been quite busy doing this and that and the house being isolated-ish I still haven't found a good solution for the internet so I'm still using some mobile traffic(slow-ass). Other than that, don't know...just the usual stuff, I guess. Oh, and I finally have a girlfriend, so miracles do happen apparently.

How's it been for you guys(and girls)?
Proud member of [Pandora]
Been awake for 2 days now, failed at sleeping last night.
My friend's sisters have been visiting her for a few days though, and one of them helped me re-dye my hair and gave me my first hair cut since like.. 6th grade :3
I have short-ish hair!
Will see how I feel about pictures or whatever some time in the future.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
kewl I want to see ur hair now Brubs
Sometime this week I'll hopefully get a haircut since my short hairs are gettin longer
I plan on shaving one side only though so yes radical I can't wait
Also college update I've been accepted to 8 colleges and I no longer feel 100% stressed I actually feel pretty self confident and even, dare I say, happy
The only stress thing going on is that I've been keeping a secretish relationship with my girlfriend for over a month and it's unnerving and kinda scare but totally worth it I guess
haha also the fact that I may go out of state for college and leave her for an undetermined amount of time
I second the hair thing. Also that's great Fluff, school is like one of the biggest stresses. It must be like a huge weight lifted off.

I've started a traineeship in 'Catering Operations' and I'm learning how to serve and prepare food and deal with customers. It's interesting enough and I'm enjoying earning money. I was a little homeless for a while but I've managed to find a place, with some friends.

Life is starting to seem pretty good. No miracles like Vlad, tfw no gf