Well ive just been on a Binge the last 4 days.. :O, so that probably as a lot to do with everything.. Im a grumpy tirred man at the moment ;).

Now for all.. everybody exept Paxx/Gixx has been voted no to.. so leave this thread alone ;)..

ty for fast answer coco...

I needed it cuz i won't wait month for ur answer... cuz other clans want me in... thanks :3
Originally Posted by DrBear View Post
Coco is clearly racist

Wouldn't call Hardcore Anime Fans/Hardcore Fans in genaral a race :P.. But i just find hardcore fans to be quite lame, no matter what they think is the coolest thing on earth. :O imo people that can love 1 thing so much to the point where others want to puke is in my opinion kind of insane :O.. Not saying the last animefan in here was a hardcore one (actually i got no idea), and I rejected him due to his "skills" which was not there..

The End
Last edited by eyCoco; Dec 20, 2010 at 08:07 PM.