I feel like you could've done a better backflip in that scenario. It was an ok replay. sucks he had to go.

Here's a splitcap a made awhile back.
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#Apathetic-Ez.rpl (138.0 KB, 6 views)
(Leash)ApatheticP: plz dont use me
(Leash)KaZyDog: I only use attractive ppl dont worry about it
Not a bad replay elmo, You walked on your toes alot which looked pretty weird and I think it looked pretty stiff at points.
Also that last launch was pretty unrealistic and nooby but apart from that it wasn't bad.

Apathetic that was a pretty cool sp replay. The opener was pretty generic (Spin)
The kick was ok but you lost alot of momentum and your movements did not flow well.
The second kick was pretty cool but I didn't like how you suddenly contracted the knees for power. It wasn't a very good move.
The decap wasn't so bad.
im sick cant bare this anymore cant play for a few weeks sorry i'll only be forum active.
02Chich02 -Wuhsu3-Akido-acrojoust