ur acting like any game that is made with a newer engine is as precise and exact as toribash can be lol

the difference between some shit like battlefield getting a new engine and toribash getting a new engine is that there's nearly a dam infinite amount of shit u can do in toribash. at very best, the 2 people that still make replays are going to maybe play it when it comes out, i don't even think there's anything else anymore lol. REDACTED

game's dead friendog, put ur hopes down
Last edited by sir; May 10, 2019 at 10:02 AM. Reason: User infracted
What an oddly moronic way to look at it.

All I’m hearing is ‘hurr durr I bet things will change when the new game comes out and it won’t be exactly like the first, it ruined!’.

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Originally Posted by Divine View Post
What an oddly moronic way to look at it.

All I’m hearing is ‘hurr durr I bet things will change when the new game comes out and it won’t be exactly like the first, it ruined!’.

Basically :/
AikidoBigDojo Nightmare

The feel of the game should stay the same but all I want is to increase the functionality and availability of options that allow pathways for better player made content like mods, replays, and most importantly they need to allow a way for multiple fights to take place simultaneously but independently in the same server. The waiting time is the worst part about this game.
Last edited by footlox; May 10, 2019 at 08:00 PM.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
Originally Posted by Footlox View Post
The feel of the game should stay the same but all I want is to increase the functionality and availability of options that allow pathways for better player made content like mods, replays, and most importantly they need to allow a way for multiple fights to take place simultaneously but independently in the same server. The waiting time is the worst part about this game.

I agree. The long waiting time is also big barrier to new players. It's not fun for them to get easily beaten in a couple of turns, and then have to wait 10-30 minutes for their next match.
Originally Posted by Divine View Post
What an oddly moronic way to look at it.

All I’m hearing is ‘hurr durr I bet things will change when the new game comes out and it won’t be exactly like the first, it ruined!’.

i don't get what you guys do not understand lmfao

the problem with the game not feeling the same is that people that have spent 5+ years playing a game where (this really only applies to replays) you are a lot of the time adjusting your character a single frame at a time lmfao

if the game doesn't feel any different, that's cool. if it does, it's going to feel unnatural and very awkward to the last 20 active players this game has
Tournaments could be way better, could be easily a bracket system to rush up, and losers could spectate the people fighting.
I'm Swining arround in the vagina...,I'm Swining arround in the vagina...! I try to make a princes
Originally Posted by Footlox View Post
The feel of the game should stay the same but all I want is to increase the functionality and availability of options that allow pathways for better player made content like mods, replays, and most importantly they need to allow a way for multiple fights to take place simultaneously but independently in the same server. The waiting time is the worst part about this game.

btw this guy gets it

what he is describing is EXACTLY what should happen. i have been playing the game for 6 and a half years, if it feels different what am i going to be playing?? lmfao

u know the mods with the fucked up toris? that's how i imagine this new game is going to feel. and chances are with a completely different engine it's not going to feel the same. i really don't get what's so difficult to understand about that

i want this game to do well but it is very difficult seeing this doing well at all. people don't want games like toribash, it's too much work to learn and play
Originally Posted by boast View Post
btw this guy gets it

what he is describing is EXACTLY what should happen. i have been playing the game for 6 and a half years, if it feels different what am i going to be playing?? lmfao

u know the mods with the fucked up toris? that's how i imagine this new game is going to feel. and chances are with a completely different engine it's not going to feel the same. i really don't get what's so difficult to understand about that

i want this game to do well but it is very difficult seeing this doing well at all. people don't want games like toribash, it's too much work to learn and play

Toribash always has been, and always will be a niche game.
It's an interesting concept but has very little marketable chances because it's so hard for new players to get involved or get over the hurdle into enjoying the game. Changing that however would be to make an entirely different game which would alienate the older playerbase. Not to mention just emulating toribash in unity fully will be a fairly enormous task for such a small team.

toribash next will come, but patience is required. It probably wont be the revival of toribash that some people are jokingly saying it will.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
I agree with Tuna but I'm sure when the old players hear about it they'll probably come back for sure... then quit again lul. There will be new players playing the game, I'm not sure how hampa will make it interesting for new players and make it addicting but DO NOT keep thinking about the game coming out and how it will be fun, it will bring a lot of players because I'm pretty sure you are going to experience the same experience that you experienced inside Toribash, all that is changing is the graphics, physics and how many players can play in a mod... that is pretty much how the in-game style will be... not trying to ruin your dreams and make you think it is boring but I'm just saying that the more you think about it the more you'll find the idea of the new game dumb and will be a meh game... so just think about right now and when the game releases you'll play it and enjoy.

That's my advice for all of you who have been waiting and still waiting for this to come out.
Last edited by Xaria; May 13, 2019 at 12:04 PM.