Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Maelstrom is <3k tho, you will definitely get it before 20 minutes............... I mean radiance timing on farm heroes is like 15 minutes, so I think you can manage 3k in 10 lol.

My point was that I don't understand the impact of maelstrom on farming, because by the time I have it, I'm done farming.
I think I might be retired.
Originally Posted by Grohenbird View Post
My point was that I don't understand the impact of maelstrom on farming, because by the time I have it, I'm done farming.

Well obviously you aren't playing much of a carry if you don't even farm 3k gold/8 minutes (protime maybe 5-6 minutes? 8 minutes if you miss like half of cs)...

If you are playing support then obviously you won't be getting malestrom. I thought we were talking about carrying lol.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Well obviously you aren't playing much of a carry if you don't even farm 3k gold/8 minutes (protime maybe 5-6 minutes? 8 minutes if you miss like half of cs)...

If you are playing support then obviously you won't be getting malestrom. I thought we were talking about carrying lol.

I do carry, I'm just really shit at dota.
I think I might be retired.
maelstrom is farmable, but keep in mind that on WR (if we're even still talking about her) its probably not the best item rush, even on a safelane WR. you'd get more farm out of an oblivion staff and it just doesnt match the way you should be playing.

i wouldnt do a maelstrom rush on any hero really though. 5-6 minutes is ambitious, you're hardly ever THAT uncontested, 8 minutes, maybe, if you skip finishing your phase off, which gives you weaker laning.

i think the main point is, that its good for what it costs. and you're never done farming. if you've got nothing better to buy, maelstrom gives you the potential to farm while fighting. even if you're not actively farming, the passive pushing is pretty usefull.
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Why do you need to rush phase on WR? Especially if you are building early damage
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Just starting Dota 2. Someone want to help me break it in? Shoot me a pm when you're available.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Why do you need to rush phase on WR? Especially if you are building early damage

early lane control.
increase or deny farm.
harass etc.
speed boost for no mana and lets you save windrun.

mostly just lets you contest more. if your opposition gets phase and aquilla while you're saving for maelstrom or something, they have a definite advantage over you in the lane, WRs base stats and damage arent exactly amazing.
which will just delay your maelstrom more than the 800 gold required to finish phase.

besides, maelstrom might give you damage, but its the same damage as phase, with 15 extra attack speed and an unreliable lightning proc, where the value is only experienced when you have total free farm, control over the jungle, or have aghs.
phase is the obvious choice. rushing a maelstrom over phase is trench tier.
similar gold could be used to get a force staff, blink, baby crits or desolator.
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