Hi, I understand that your clan is very hard to get in to and I don't know many of you on a personal basis. I thought I would try anyway. I read the prompt for the essay and took a couple of hours to write an essay. It's only 7 pages long so I'd like to apologize for that first off.

And also, if you don't mind, I'd like to tell you about myself just in case you need to know it. My name is Derek and I'm 17 years old. I'm a senior in high school. I'm getting ready to go to college next year in the fall of 2014. My GMT is -8 Pacific Standard Time.

If you would like to contact me, just shoot me a PM or Skype me at Ya_Skull_Us or just reply here, I'll check back to see if anyone replied. Thanks for considering or not considering me!

You may download or just simply read my essay from this link to Dropbox.


EDIT: Yes, I did write the essay myself. If you have doubts, check it against a plagiarism checker. c:
Last edited by Foxy; Oct 16, 2013 at 05:12 AM.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
You seem like a cool guy to me. I might hit you up on skype soon.

But why exactly do you wish to join this clan? Because of the good reputation we apparently seem to have? I think most of us aren't really playing toribash actively anymore so that can't be the reason. You should just try to get to know a few of us a little bit on our IRC channel and I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be considered. :)
Well, I'm not really sure, I just read through your forums an it seemed like you guys have a good time. I'm not really active in game either. I pretty much only use the forums. For a while I didn't even have the game on my computer and all I did was forum. And i will certainly talk to you on skype, i lovemeeting new people. also i will go on the IRC, im not usually on but i can change that. Thanks for the consideration
Last edited by Foxy; Oct 16, 2013 at 07:50 PM.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post
You should just try to get to know a few of us a little bit on our IRC channel

you first


Originally Posted by ishi View Post
you first :(

Except we already know each other. Or did you forget about our osu pwnage and fun times, ishi. :$

But yeah, I'm on IRC now. :D
Originally Posted by Galrath View Post
Except we already know each other. Or did you forget about our osu pwnage and fun times, ishi. :$

But yeah, I'm on IRC now.

If you give me a time that works, I can hang out with you on the IRC... or on Skype if you wish. c:

EDIT: So... this is going to sound really shitty, but I'm going to withdraw my application now. I know you won't accept me anyway, so I just want to get out of your hair and stop bothering you. I will still hang around with you guys if you want. c: It was great to get to know you. Thanks again!
Last edited by Foxy; Oct 18, 2013 at 05:39 AM.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
EDIT: So... this is going to sound really shitty, but I'm going to withdraw my application now. I know you won't accept me anyway

Sounds like an excuse to me, but k.
Yeah I guess it does. If the opportunity is open is love to join you guys. Anyway, sorry for withdrawing. If you still consider me, I'll gladly accept if you think I'm up to your standards that is.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.