Holy crap it's mrootz... Hi...

You're the only current one who is active enough with art to feed it.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Can't you help both threads? :O

... Selfish!
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Bahahaha alright alright xD It just looks so sad!

Diablo 3 Monk small pic

Diablo 3 Monk

I scanned it a bit lopsided, the pencil lines were the "box" I was drawing in.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
That smile is a bit too weird. I think it's faking it's smile. Feed it rootz, feed it so the smile would be straight again.

And aikido, where the hell did that talent come from? Why didn't you show us your drawing earlier :O
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.


I dunno, depends if I want to spend time on it I guess xD
Still haven't been able to make anything amazing yet
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.