Originally Posted by shook View Post
hey guys i drew some faces

dunno which one is the most appropriate right now though i'm leaning towards the southwest one

I like the bottom left corner one. It's the most stupid and funny imo.
Life's good.
Meamme0 : Is DAT YOU ?
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Originally Posted by TengoMan View Post
Meamme0 : Is DAT YOU ?

The passed out version of me, yes.

NutHug in the same situation:
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Originally Posted by Meamme0 View Post
The passed out version of me, yes.

NutHug in the same situation:

That's totally not how I imagined him.
Life's good.
If i was there i'd have slept naked on the floor, that's what probably happens when i'm drunk
Long gone