I don't know what you're talking about.
It's called get off your lazy ass, get a job and buy them yourself, and play League when you're out of work/school(if you're still super young and in school >_>).


So, here I am. Playing Ranked, with a duo partner. I main top, he mains mid. Both super good at those spots.
We get in game, we say we'd like top/mid. No one says anything. We get to pick our champs first, so I pick Riven. Lock in, because no one said they wanted it.
He was in the process of picking a champion, and the guy underneath him autolocks lux, and says mid. pissed off, he just went with it and went adc.
Turns out this fag munch wants to go top, but i'm already locked in. So what does he do? Auto locks garen, and demands top. After he realizes he can't have it, he puts on smite.
Turns out, he's the worst jungler NA. Can't gank, doesn't listen to pings.
I'm against a Garen top, cool, he counters me. Ask for some ganks, ping that i need help, he's just off roaming. I get killed under turret from a gank, and THEN Garen comes top, and asks if his ults up, I say no, and he runs in there 3 levels underneath the enemy Garen, and gives him a free kill.
Mid lane isn't any better, feeds Fizz and makes him fed, 2/9 by 15 minutes. Garen was worse with 1/11 by 15 minutes. Me and my friend were doing fine, I was 6/1, and he was 5/0.
We ended up going forward for a little bit, and at 20 minutes garen and fizz try surrendering. Everyone clicks yes but me and my friend because we were currently tied in score.
Friend disconnects for 10 seconds, they tried to surrender again. They win 3-1 and we lose a tied game, with all of them dead, and we were at the inhibitor.
WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE GOD DAMN PEOPLE? I mean seriously, I'm tired of these god damn shit players LoL has to offer
I got a job hacks, what I did was called a joke. The source of all humor :'P
(Also I'm super young and in school ;P)
What do you mean 'shit'? That's like the average LoL player
Those guys did good compared to some of the shit me and blub have duo'd in xD
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
I don't know what you're talking about.
It's called get off your lazy ass, get a job and buy them yourself, and play League when you're out of work/school(if you're still super young and in school >_>).


So, here I am. Playing Ranked, with a duo partner. I main top, he mains mid. Both super good at those spots.
We get in game, we say we'd like top/mid. No one says anything. We get to pick our champs first, so I pick Riven. Lock in, because no one said they wanted it.
He was in the process of picking a champion, and the guy underneath him autolocks lux, and says mid. pissed off, he just went with it and went adc.
Turns out this fag munch wants to go top, but i'm already locked in. So what does he do? Auto locks garen, and demands top. After he realizes he can't have it, he puts on smite.
Turns out, he's the worst jungler NA. Can't gank, doesn't listen to pings.
I'm against a Garen top, cool, he counters me. Ask for some ganks, ping that i need help, he's just off roaming. I get killed under turret from a gank, and THEN Garen comes top, and asks if his ults up, I say no, and he runs in there 3 levels underneath the enemy Garen, and gives him a free kill.
Mid lane isn't any better, feeds Fizz and makes him fed, 2/9 by 15 minutes. Garen was worse with 1/11 by 15 minutes. Me and my friend were doing fine, I was 6/1, and he was 5/0.
We ended up going forward for a little bit, and at 20 minutes garen and fizz try surrendering. Everyone clicks yes but me and my friend because we were currently tied in score.
Friend disconnects for 10 seconds, they tried to surrender again. They win 3-1 and we lose a tied game, with all of them dead, and we were at the inhibitor.
WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE GOD DAMN PEOPLE? I mean seriously, I'm tired of these god damn shit players LoL has to offer

i had a similar match yesterday. but mine went out that our jungle NUNU (YES A FUCKING NUNU) failed to Q and SMITE baron against a fking Jinx ult from a not fed jinx, which actually shouldnt do any dmg. i was carrying 3 fucking asses with calls and teamfights, but that fail smite and Q from a FUCKING NUNU lost us that game.

i cried after that game.
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

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Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
ok, see, jinx ult does shitloads to baron, it's 80% damage from like, a decent percentage of %missing health damage increase, so it's actually a decent hitter.
