Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Oh, my main posting threads are Art, Rapid Threads, Adventure thread, and Replays.
I saw where posting more was on your list of 2011 goals. Its a yes from me.
Hey crazy, Can I vote? or is it just a leader thing? If I can, then yes. You seem like a great guy and I like that you are humble but confident. You also seem like you will be loyal to the clan and respectful. That's just my opinion, though.
#Magnus - #Sigma
A few things, Namelessone I realized your avatar is daedric armor form TES4, nice. That's my favorite game

Second thing, I've sold all my flames and created my very own helmet flame.
Flame: Eye of Nocturnal
Forged by Catastrophe on 2011-01-27 13:39:17 for the Head (2612).
It's really cool, dl and lp me if you want to see ;o

last thing, you guys should be on irc more :c
It's. . . been too long.