
Hi, i was looking for a tutorial were it is explained how to do relaxed/hold/contract/extend textures. The only thing i need to know is the name you must put to that file (name.tga) and if posible a template too. Thanks a lot!

Note: i´ve checked the index and didnt find any but if there is one please tell me
Hello I need to know how to make a attachment file and how to post pictures because I wanna sell some texture but I don't know how to post the pictures? Please help!?!?
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Adding attachments: while posting, click go advanced > scroll down > manage attachments > add files > upload > post.

Adding images: go to any file uploading site (I use > upload picture > rewrite code if needed > copy and paste [IMG] code.
^They have those in the FAQ, Some are at the beginner sanctuary.
Winning means dominating over countless dead bodies
is there a tutorial anywhere on how to use mod maker correctly and efficiently?
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
I seriously need help with running. I know there are tutorials on it already, but for some reason when i switch legs and contract he extended one and extend the contracted one, it goes up way to high.
Anybody know why?