hi my name is jakob i live palm bay florida i am a blue belt my fav mod is aikido.tbm i want to improve my moves i want to join cause i only know 5 moves and i want to learn more moves i read the rules.
Originally Posted by jakob1234 View Post
hi my name is jakob i live palm bay florida i am a blue belt my fav mod is aikido.tbm i want to improve my moves i want to join cause i only know 5 moves and i want to learn more moves i read the rules.

You didn't read the rules...
you don't have a proof that you did.
Also, you don't have enough posts
◕ ‿‿ ◕
Where do you live?: Brasil
What belt are you?: Green
Where do you want to improve?: Judo, wushu and aikido
Favorite mods: Twinswords, aikido and wushu
Why do you want to join?: cuz i really like this clan and i want to become a great player :3
Have you read the rules?: Yes

I'm a little teapot '-'
Age(optional): 17
Where do you live?(optional): texas
What belt are you?: brown
Where do you want to improve?:i want to learn to make textures and better judo
Favorite mods:akido judo ninjitsu and parkour
Why do you want to join?: to learn to make textures and also to get back to my level of experience i was once at
Have you read the rules?:yes
Hi, IM Gunshot81
Where do you live?(optional): philipines
What belt are you?:brown
Where do you want to improve?:judo wushu
Favorite mods:aikido,aikidobd,twinswords
Why do you want to join?:because i want to join again because i want to help more...this time
Have you read the rules?:Im a little teapot
plzzz accept me...
Black Belt | Gimp User | YOU CANT DO THE DANCE ¯\_(◕_◕)/¯
not enough posts...
Do not re-apply.
your now completely declined.
ok ok your in >:l
I believe you forgot something.
◕ ‿‿ ◕
Age: 21 years
Where do you live?: Costa Rica
What belt are you?: Blue belt
Favorite mods: Akido and judo
Why do you want to join?::because this clan is but people that wanna learn.
Have you read the rules?: yes
Where do you live?(optional):NYC
What belt are you?:Green Belt
Where do you want to improve?:Aikido and Wushu
Favorite mods:Judo and Aikido
Why do you want to join?:I need alot help on getting better in game so that i may participate in tourneys and earn my own cash. Also i want to be known and skilled on this game. I want to Bolsters my skills up as high as i can. Im hoping that BLEU Will be able to do so. =)
Have you read the rules?:Yes and i accept the Terms.
Btw, Im a Little Teapot.
Last edited by ArmoredKin1; May 7, 2011 at 02:34 AM.