i wanna join
Why you wanna join:recomended by a member
Belt:stratigest-only green :P bloodred-brown
Fave mod:judo
Your skill (Art,Fighting,Ect):fighting
Rooms your usualy in:any judo room brown and up
Were you live/Time:indiana usa-central
Name: LostArt
Why you wanna join: Crashdummy sent me here when I told him I wanted to join a clan.
Belt: Blue
Fave mod: Judo, Twin Swords .
Your skill (Art,Fighting,Ect): Texture art, Fighting.
Rooms your usualy in: Judo (SemiPro atm).
Were you live/Time: Finland, GMT -5

I've got a video showcase with me Battle450, and Crashdummy, and I don't mind an entrance testing if necessary...
Last edited by LostArt; Jan 5, 2009 at 05:10 AM.
Name: Malcorulz
Name: Malcorulz
Why i wanna join : cuz mah friend, fabz is in it, and cuz its awesome
Belt: Brown
Rank: 5795
Fave mod: Judo/Aikido
My skill: Fighting
Rooms im usualli in: Judo5: Rm17 Judo6: Rm21
Where i live: Perth, Western Australia GMT+8 (DAylight savings puts us up an hour so +9)
Last edited by malcorulz; Jan 5, 2009 at 11:11 AM. Reason: 4got to put time
me again
altho this guys belt doesnt meet req's i have another acc tht does and i wouldnt mind proving my skillz in a fight
Originally Posted by stratigest View Post
Why you wanna join:recomended by a member
Belt:stratigest-only green :P bloodred-brown
Fave mod:judo
Your skill (Art,Fighting,Ect):fighting
Rooms your usualy in:any judo room brown and up
Were you live/Time:indiana usa-central

Who recommended you?
LostArt: How many till brown? Oh I like your art statis =] I guess you can join
YOUR IN Your rank is [DAv_AArt]

stratigest: YOUR IN Your rank is [DAv_Quaz]

malcorulz: YOUR IN Your rank is [DAv_Fas]

Good luck and hope you guys can be a success in the clan. Be sure to check the clan forums every other day =]
Shin-Ryuu's BanGoat
Hated by all.
Yet still raped.
Zanzy's Hoe Club!
[GATA] [Inq] [doc]lover [GU] [BISH] [r]tard [Addicted]Allie [Doxa]Allie
<Malvie> Zanzaba; only for you, baby.

"Ehh, I'm sorry. I'm just being a dick."
Name: taas0(never capital T)
Why you wanna join: Because you guys are awesome XD!
Belt: Black
Rank: 2800 or something close to that
Fave mod:Judo.tbm, crushercogs.tbm
Your skill (Art,Fighting,Etc.): Fighting (and if you mean in real life I am a boxer)
Rooms your usually in: Black belt Judo
Were you live/Time: Edmonton, Mountain standard time