Originally Posted by Donkey View Post
[08:13:23] <<Donkasleep>> no one even noticed lol
[08:21:33] <<@Hawke>> None one even cared*
[08:22:18] <<Donkasleep>> that's why i left

I'm out.

DonkaDonk pls
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
[04:55.58] <Ele> my loves oozes from my toenails
[04:56.08] <Ele> lick my love dan
[04:56.10] <Ele> lick it
[04:56.20] <Dan> Okay
[04:56.42] * Dan licks the love from deep under ele's toenails
[04:57.14] <Ele> mmmnghughhgh
[04:57.25] * Ele smiles, satisfied.
[04:57.34] <Glimpsed> well I gotta go now
I like how Donkey decided he had to leave because of

shit like this

rather than

shit like this

Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
[04:55.58] <Ele> my loves oozes from my toenails
[04:56.08] <Ele> lick my love dan
[04:56.10] <Ele> lick it
[04:56.20] <Dan> Okay
[04:56.42] * Dan licks the love from deep under ele's toenails
[04:57.14] <Ele> mmmnghughhgh
[04:57.25] * Ele smiles, satisfied.
[04:57.34] <Glimpsed> well I gotta go now

Now I am sad that I missed this.
So it finally happened guys. There's no way IRC could stand the combined presence of the two greatest C's on the planet. It had to be resolved - ain't enough room for the two of them.

Battle of the gods

I love how someone went to the trouble of joining through webchat for an RKO joke.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
I love how someone went to the trouble of joining through webchat for an RKO joke.

Love wouldn't of been the word I chose TBH.
Good morning sweet princess


<Zelda>Rap battle go.
[01:31] <fudgiebalz>look lively
[01:31] <Glimpsed> YO
[01:31] <fudgiebalz>LO
[01:31] <Glimpsed> I'm smellier than you
[01:31] <Ele>pew pew
[01:31] <Glimpsed> I'm more offensive than you
[01:31] <Ele>shots fired
[01:31] <Zelda>reload reload.
[01:31] <Glimpsed> You're a nerd
[01:31] <Glimpsed> yo
[01:32] <Glimpsed> and a bird
[01:32] <Glimpsed> yo
[01:35] <Glimpsed> You can stop your rhymes yo
[01:35] <fudgiebalz>head
[01:35] <Glimpsed> I'm a lyrical monster
[01:35] <Glimpsed> I'll cut you up
[01:35] <Glimpsed> like a jewish doctor
Ele then did his version

I then made a beat for it
<Glimpsed> I'm not sorry

I then made a video for it

prepare for greatness

[23:36] <Zelda> Ele you there?
[23:37] <Hawke> No but I can name one of my Doritos Ele and then pretend to be DoritoEle and talk to you
[23:37] <Zelda> Ok...
[23:37] <Zelda> so... DoritoEle, you there?
[23:37] <Hawke> I said can, not will.
[23:38] <Zelda> fuck!
[23:38] <Gum> I can pretend im Ele and respond to you
[23:38] * Zelda_ ( has joined
[23:38] * Zelda_ is now known as DoritoEle
[23:39] <Hawke> oh god
[23:39] <Zelda> DoritoEle you there?
[23:39] <DoritoEle> Hey Zelda what up?
[23:39] <Zelda> Guess who was the first person to PM me about the thread you closed?
[23:39] <Hawke> I love how long it takes you to switch tabs to type stuff.
[23:40] <DoritoEle> What's this about tabs Hawke?
[23:40] <DoritoEle> Sorry, I'm just thinking about how great a Lmod Zelda is.
[23:40] <Hawke> I mean he's adequate.
[23:40] <DoritoEle> So I get kinda distracted from my computer and don't reply fast.
[23:41] <Zelda> aw thanks DoritoEle.
[23:41] <Hawke> He promotes democracy, which is a big minus.
[23:41] <DoritoEle> Yeah, but that's only because of otherwise people complain too much.
[23:41] <DoritoEle> Anyway, let me guess.
[23:41] <DoritoEle> was it Pig?
[23:42] <Hawke> Was Pig even involved in the abortion debate?
[23:42] <Zelda> Hahaha you got it in one that's crazy!

What the fuck.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.