Please lord BONDarenko, put us against the filthy Wushu clans once again so we can execute them as we have done before.

Originally Posted by The7thVoid View Post
Stinky I want to say Bondonadarko or however you spell his name

BONDarenko, smite this man where he stands for his blasphemy.
as the signed martyr of baphomet and human iniquity i devote the prophesied war's entrenched blood soon to be spilled across baphomets death sanctioned ground as a sacrificial act of loyalty and penance for lord BONDarenko

this will be a mercy killing

The dead shall know eternal peace, as they lost their lives in the name of our lord and savior.

Accept my offering BONDarenko, let the light shine upon thine martyr. I trust you will bring to us victory as you have done before.

We sink our blade at 11PM GMT Saturday.