I liked the start a lot. The first trick was perfect, nothing to change there, but your arms were completely raised at 830, it added a little bit to the stiffness, but it was still a nice stunt
The run+flip was great, but after that you went contract elbows+lower shoulders, and it looks like a cheap way to look reallistic
The back flip was very nice, I really loved it, but your right shoulder was a bit stiff
Nice pose, I liked it alot. I see you decided to relax your elbow, which looks even better

Great tricking replay, but sometimes you should relax your elbows and shoulders a bit when you aren't using it, see if it looks good and if it does, use it

oh yeah
Oh you and your tricking replays, ;3

Start was good,
First trick was amazing blew my mind my favorite part of the replay,
The Run Flip Was great but lowering shoulders and contracting elbow wasn't good..
The Back flip was nice your right shoulder was stiff although,
I did like this replay alot so
Hmm its a good replay
I seen you are get better and better in short time
but I still saw that "old times rust" in a spar replay of your. and its blocking your style too
but you are very close to get make your own style and take full control on your tori
You are good but you have problems with the balance, yeah your legs are make you fail when you are wanna stand up from a dynamic move(kick ,spin etc)

anyways good job 8.9/10
See my mug , it'll probably turn the flowers black
Ok, You got the spin and the jump but your tori still looked stiff try laxing elbow and shoulder little bit more
also known as Darrand
Well, the opener was freaking amazing.
The first flip could've been improved with much more speed.
You felt pretty stiff in your arms sometimes.
Other things were awesome
Best replay I've seen from you.

By the way, I made an edit to show you what I meant by much more speed.
Attached Files
Cham edit.rpl (72.2 KB, 11 views)
Well I liked the beggining.

Things I didn't like:
You just sat there when the other chamara would come and strangle you.
Your punches on the face looked kind of stiff.
Pretty much random movement around that part also.

Everything else was really good actually.

Well the beginning was fine.

But would you sit down while somebody comes to strangle you to death
Punches were stiff
And what hours said Random movement around that part

although great self spar 8.9/10