Ok guys, this is my team.

Shiny Charizard, Normal Charizard, Shiny Golem, Normal Nidoking, Shiny Alakazam, Normal Primeape, Shiny Golbat, Normal Wigglytuff.
It's pretty unbalanced.
Anyone have a grass Pokemon that I can use to beat Kyogre?
Originally Posted by 2worlds View Post
You got a bulbasaur/squirtle (extra ones) Ya wanna drop by me, yo?

Yea, I do. Any certain levels?
Alright, new level and such. We now see ash fight mewtwo, he's about to die because mewtwo's being a bitch etc. etc. and using selfdestruct with ash in physic so he can't move, mewtwo's next to him. The first new place, you fight the nugget bridge people from the original red, blue, yellow.

You kill there pokemon, than its next round with that person. You send out your pokemon, and the goal is to get the candy. when you beat them, you go on to the next person with 1 less pokemon, and repeat this for all of the nugget trainers. The cool thing is, the trainers pokemon in original red, blue, and yellow are the pokemon the trainers are using in the game.

The next level after that is you fighting threw a whooping 45 waves of pokemon, all in 1 space going strait down. Its crowded, you encounter things like Arcanine(in red) Ninetails(?) in blue. Pidgeot, and others. It was tough, but I beat them.

And since I have gotten quite a few pm's asking what kind of pokemon I have, since I give them away. heres a peek of what I use and have

What I use when I play:

Put a yellow star on the left side of the pokemon that are shiny.

^I played alot to get my pokemon up, money just came with it :3

Storage: [/IMG]
shiny fearow code as well as i can remember....
this is definetly some of it:
i forget the rest..... also ill post pics of my pokemon in like an hour
i wanna evolve them all :P
Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
Yea, I do. Any certain levels?

Nope just any would do
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
im going to make an official irc shuckle your going to be an op :P since your the best at the game here
the irc is
Shuckle register your nick and either afk in the channel and ill get on in a WHILE to op you
or just try to get on at the same time the first option is easier for me but what ever works for you
Its already registered. and lucky you I'm basically always on there

on vacation atm. so I ping from the hotels internet service. But thanks, and I don't consider myself the best at this game I just play it to much
I don't know how to take a screenshot, so i'm going to post my team the boring way.
Charmeleon lvl 33
Primape lvl 33
Golem lvl 36
Alakazam lvl36

By the way, who here has a Poliwrath or or Poliwhirl? I'll give you a lvl 27 Pigeoto for it.