Originally Posted by Tivo View Post
...GenX000 i would like to let you know i got 5k for the next comp. My idea would be to host a noob tourny but i dont have the time to do this. I can also give the money to rent a server, i think ARK or some clan like that rents it for like 1k a day. Anyways i was thinking we hold a tourny like that and RECRUIT all at the same time. This would be a great thing for the clan because it will let us expand at the same time as getting our Clan name out there.

So if you are down for doing this let me know and i can arrange something for us to rent a server and to figure out how we want the setup of the tourny to be.

That's exactly what I was planning... mostly...
I'll PM my ideas to you Tivo

In the mean time, while we organize a tourney, I'm going to set up another replay event of some sort tonight...
(Tivo, save your tc for the tourney prize!)

Also, over 20,000tc in Sold Out Item sales in the NEWB shop today means 10,000tc into the NEWB Fund! WOOO
yup, 10k!
Last edited by GenX000; Mar 21, 2008 at 01:16 AM.
<3 Toribash!
Hey guys, I havn't been on for a while (school.... who needs it XD). I've heard of your possible tourney, and you'll need a [NEWB-Recruiter]! I can do that. And for the vid comp, i got one in the making, though i'll have to mix it up a bit for all the replays (to sync w/music) and for the pics.

and also, do we happen to have a list of peeps in our clan? I kinda want to make nametag pics for everyone. (like it would have the name all cool, with a pic of your tori decked with the colors.... pretty colors.........)
Last edited by D0mination; Mar 21, 2008 at 09:01 AM.
Authentic Furry
Originally Posted by D0mination View Post
Hey guys, I havn't been on for a while (school.... who needs it XD). I've heard of your possible tourney, and you'll need a [NEWB-Recruiter]! I can do that. And for the vid comp, i got one in the making, though i'll have to mix it up a bit for all the replays (to sync w/music) and for the pics.

and also, do we happen to have a list of peeps in our clan? I kinda want to make nametag pics for everyone. (like it would have the name all cool, with a pic of your tori decked with the colors.... pretty colors.........)

The Tourney won't be for a week or two maybe... The video is not a competition, just a clan video we'll be making for promotional purposes and for fun... and the nametag pic is a good idea, If everyone had those we could use them for the credits in the video... Defyant is actually making these for free in the market, I got a few and I'm using one (miniaturized) as my avatar now!

I was going to start a replay event last night, but I got caught up playing the ArmCannon mod for a while...

How awesome is that?!?!
40 Win Streak!!! <--- going in the Achievements!
Last edited by GenX000; Mar 21, 2008 at 11:56 AM.
<3 Toribash!
You're so lucky GenX! You gots teh SHADERZ!!!

I have 4 clan nametags done:

are all done.
~ DemonForks

~ Coolchris

~ Babpadaple

~ 6infinity9

~ Mars200

~ SP1DEY999

Last edited by D0mination; Mar 22, 2008 at 01:16 PM.
Authentic Furry