To Dirt:

I have new pose for the middle:
(make it bigger then on the ground tex)

oh and
Make the Background like my avy's background
Last edited by Duuunal; Sep 9, 2009 at 01:52 PM.
Hier steht eine Signatur. Here is my Signatur.
So guys, I haven't been doing much to contribute to the clan lately (inactivity), so I'll do some free avas for anyone who wants 1.
However you'd want to be quite specific on what you want, if I do one and you don't like it then it'll take some time before I decide to make another on for you.

Just for the sake of simplicity here's a form
Border : Yes/No (if you want a specific one reply here.)
Pose type : if you have a screenshot of someone else then I will recreate it myself, otherwise I'd use a generic one.
Style : Overdone / Simple / Smudged / Random. (Also I won't be able to recreate my one despite me having done it before, just can't do the same miracle :/.)
Name? : None / Subtle / Big. If you want your name in the ava, and what style font you want (If not specified I'll choose a random one which suits.)

Everything else is freestyled unless specified, but it also depends on the mood I'm in (If I feel like crap then expect a crappy ava.)

Avas will be done when I feel like it, 1 week max.
Oooooh, niiiice :3. Spread da love.


Border: Yes. Im happy with a simple one.
Pose: Its in the lower part of this reply.
Style: Simple with slightly smudged edges from the body.
Name: Meh name in it but like this: Catguy19.0. Font: Snap ITC.

Freestyle what ye want. Im pretty curious :3 I would luv to see ye creativity =]
Oh, screenie.

*enter signature here*
Border :Yes Black Line 2 pixels
Pose type : Since you got saders Make Meh A pose :3
Style :Smudged(not overly) With NicE lighting Effects.
Name? : I dunno u Chose. :3

Went with a pure black background, think I overdone your right arm tho, oh well, hope you like it.
Also I realized in the end it looks like he has frozen ice dripping off his right arm, looks like a nice new effect, an effect I will definitely look into.
And no name, like mine, I generally only use it if there's extra space, since your name is right above your avvy anyway, and if I done it with a texture set then the person can sell it along with the texture, if they want :/.

@ Kitty - Are you sure you want your name in it as well, because, you know, your name is long, and fitting a large full body pose with effects in as well is hard.
Last edited by Varric; Sep 11, 2009 at 06:09 PM.