People, we need more activity in forum, well we are active but we need to post even more, it's simple, just talk about something of your day or tell a story, fun facts, I don't know just let the clan read more about what's happening, we can keep the good quality post for a really good time hommies, just don't be lazy, I'm all the day at my job working and checking the forum every 10-15 minutes and the fact that martin post above this one is almost 1 day old without responses (again apart from this post) makes me somewhat sad, we talk a lot on whatsapp (spanish members) we can talk on discord, we talk ingame, why not in the forum? Martin is leading the clan art and he want to post some replays here but he can't because no one posted, personally I'm doing this post right now because there was a meeting during all the morning in my office and I barely did some marketing in the forum, checking transaction histories and stuff, I can be a good merchant thanks to my tittle obtained the past year "Medium Technician in Commerce and Administrative Services Mention: Marketing" so I have good knowledge on how the market works, specially this one--------------- just make more post, not excessively long like a wall of text, but up to 30 words are more than enough, and this will lead you to write over 30 words due to the ideas borning in your mind and stuff. Let's talk about our TALENTS/SKILLS IRL!! (to know each other virtues better)