Original Post
Item Forgers News!

Toribash presents...

(Item Forgers)

The Team.

Founder of the Item Forgers.
Head coder.
Icon maker.
Reta & Tinerr
Item Forger coder.
Idea man.
3D Artist
Banner maker/artist.
Texture Artist
3D Artist
Texture Artist
3D Artist
3D Artist
3D Artist
What we do, and plan to do.

Our primary and only goal is to bring you, the toribashians new and exciting items to trick out your tori, or even power them up...
What lies in wait for you from the Forgers is and will always be a mystery, but we promise to make you happy with every release!



All items under hints are not set in stone, and may not even be made. We will not reveal information or answer questions about the items either.


Last edited by Icky; Jul 7, 2018 at 06:33 AM.
What about pulses? For example you're tori emits a pulse of lighting/electricity, fire pulses, or blood seeps from your joints every 50 frames. And you could pay to have it pulse more often, up to every 10 frames or something.
[OLDA]|[Ultimate]|Order of Taekkyon| ex-GameMaster
Questions concerns? Pm me
Originally Posted by WorldEater View Post
Power-ups are not good idea imo. They would kill e-sport potential, if you guys know what I mean.

Someone should start a discussion about this instead of spamming here.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I think more hair styles won't hurt...i got a few ideas i'd like to see...
1. Double spykes , like spikey hair but 2 rows of hair...kinda like keith flint from the prodigy
2. Like. Mullet, somthing like the minihawk but with the shape of dreadlocks. Like use the mustache from the kung fu beard and multiply it Nd put it in the back of the head...that would look good.
3. Goat beard or somthing like that.

Or maybe a decap sound could be added. That would be fun.
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by ATD View Post
What about pulses? For example you're tori emits a pulse of lighting/electricity, fire pulses, or blood seeps from your joints every 50 frames. And you could pay to have it pulse more often, up to every 10 frames or something.

Not good idea, Toribash is an game that is based on an overpowered real life .
Not in supernatural powers in my opinon.
"Never think you're the only one at something" - VictorTB

4 haters only

Hmm what if you could change the shapes of our Tori's like minibash :>
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
Originally Posted by rickyz View Post
Hmm what if you could change the shapes of our Tori's like minibash :>

We already have mods.
Originally Posted by rickyz View Post
Hmm what if you could change the shapes of our Tori's like minibash :>

Originally Posted by Facade View Post
We already have mods.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this

Not to mention how hard it would even be to get a decap with that.