If Germany really wins ... Hardest party ever and I don't even have to care about monday because I finished school ;3


Sorry ale, if you are out there.. I was rooting for germany. :/

And holy shit I was yelling loud when they won. Have fun partying Infinity.
Realized people in Toronto, Ontario are celebrating too. Canadian's respect for Germans is genetic I suppose. lel
Last edited by Conduct; Jul 13, 2014 at 11:43 PM.
How do you kill one with no life?
Yeaaa ! Germany won the world cup !

We should do some wars soon to improve our rank. I can do one but I don't like doing them alone.
Yeah, we should, I will try and find some clans and notify you all when they want to war. Who is down for that?
I'm fine with that.

I encourage us, however, to set war dates on forums, and then carry them out to in-game. This way everything is planned and we can see who is showing up, etc etc.
How do you kill one with no life?
I like that plan, how about July 15, 1pm -4 GMT? Who and who can't come? I will try to have everything all set up, so we all don't have to go through all this hassle for a war.

Cya Infinity, have a good one, find a clan that "fits" your needs. Cya.
Ah jeez, did I miss the clan war? I left my charger at work and couldn't play yesterday.

Seeya Infinity, nice meeting you.
Last edited by Fantastique; Jul 16, 2014 at 04:00 AM.
me when the when the when
Welp, I'm not feeling like playing or going active forums lately so I'll just leave and stop taking space here.
[23:51] * Toad311 Licks Nitoratus's crotch