Originally Posted by William View Post
I read half of it yesterday,and I have to say,amazing work.Although their are some minor minor English mistakes,only a few though.It's a definitely creative story,and great work in including Toribash players in it,and making it relevant.Must be the best art work ever done for Toribash,definitely deserves the sticky .

That reminds me, I need to find someone to correct mistakes that I make.

And, Hi Blue! :P
hey bojan, maybe if you have completed the r-i-f-t comic, you could print out the comics and maybe sell them in stores :P just suggesting.
<8OJ4N>Dark hax-a-lot
<8OJ4N>sounds like a knight

Originally Posted by thedarkblood View Post
hey bojan, maybe if you have completed the r-i-f-t comic, you could print out the comics and maybe sell them in stores :P just suggesting.

And Bojan will become a millionare for shure. And im with my russian edition too. xDDD
cool idea.. gone translating it and print out.. ><
Flow academy system:


1-Help newbies in this game with our experience,and knowledge of this game.

2-Those people can become prospects to this clan in the future ,and contribute to this clan.Think about it as a youth academy.

Although,we have requirements,we aren't just recruiting only people with potential to become great at this game,but they will be future Flow members.So to get accepted they must pass the following requirements:

1-Players must be mature,and respect other players.

2-Their might be an age restriction,but the important thing is that they know how to speak English adequately so we can understand each other.

3-Their won't be a belt requirement,but their might be a basic entrance test.The entrance test would consist of first testing this player with the basics of each mod.We can have each member who is specialized in his mod to test him.Of course,we won't be too harsh on the player seeing as he is a beginner.The important thing is that he knows the basics of mods,and to play cleanly,and have the fighting spirit.For example,in Wuhsu it is important not to run,and try to comeback as long as you can.
Another form of entrance test can be making applicants answer a set of questions that we created,of course we shouldn't make the questions too blunt or with obvious answers,or it would be too easy.

The way the academy would run is we may either use irc to meet up with our academy players.Or,we can set up a time,were we create a Flow room,and the applicants would join.Other people can spectate but only academy players and the teachers can play.These encounter wouldn't be too often,but they would happen like 2-3 times every week.

Another way of teaching other players would be through forums,by answering their questions,and teaching some theoretical stuff about the game,not practical like when were actually playing.

Ok,so this is it for now,just a suggestion.
okay... 2 students for one teacher is maximum. imo. atleast i never teached more then 2 ppl at once..
and i guess this thing should have only one purpose: getting loyal and perspective members.. dunno ab all this tests etc..
i can set this up but i would not teach more then 2 ppl at once ;p

and sure i dnt like this idea..
imo we should get more pro ppl for other mods then wushu

also academy is kinda useless for clan which is still setting up etc
Last edited by snake; Feb 14, 2011 at 08:02 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
It's still like a raw idea,we don't have to run it as soon as we get official.

We can even accept applications only,and then later start the academy when we're ready.

And I can really help on the forums too,specially for things like wushu...but maybe we would need a private board then or no?
Anyway,just a suggestion for the future.
we can have private board without password jsut for academy but imo thast a waste anyway
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
gratz! also epic work on rift!

alos some shitty mod
Last edited by snake; Feb 14, 2011 at 10:59 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15