Its so sad to see all the potential wasted with this game. I was so excited to see what they would do but as the launch date neared I slowly realised they wouldnt even scrape the surface of what I wanted to see from this game. I suppose it was stupid to think a game with that much hype would actually meet my standards but ya know. Maybe by some miracle they will be able to expand on the idea and add some longevity to the game(we can pray). I dont see this game ever being more than a glorified minecraft thats surprisingly less fun.
Last edited by mckenly; Aug 14, 2016 at 05:24 PM.
small hands
After reading countless bad reviews from players on Steam, I decided I will skip this completely, or maybe buy it when I ever see a price in a 5 $ range, LOL.
I can only hope that maybe Star Citizen game will be finished by the time I reach 70 years of my life, so I can try that. XD
ED is ok if you catch it on sale, worth maybe $10-15 I'd say. Similar gameplay but I believe a bit more limited than SC.
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I bought Minecraft when it was like 10 $. Had a year and a half of great gaming until it became boring. I call that a bargain.
But, reading how ppl got bored after 15+ h of No Man's Sky is... Not good.
I guess it was a hype that made them to expect more, and they didn't get what they imagined in their minds when they bought that game.
It's not that bad, for sure, but I will wait a really juicy sale for this one. My guess, around Christmas it will be 75% off.
Yeah, I kinda checked out this on steam, all the bad reviews and stuff.
It looks interesting, indeed, but..
$60 for a game with tons of negative reviews is kind of confusing.
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I've been hearing there is a ton of issues on PC too. Not sure how consoles are because I have 0 interest in them, but I'm guessing it's a really bad port.

I would say that was the reason why reviewers weren't given keys, the game probably wasn't ready (and still isn't), and wasn't working (and still isn't).

Seems like the game still needs a ton of work from top to bottom......
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so glad I didn't buy this, it looked good with the graphics, and I am a huge fan of bright flashy colors, but all my friends that bought this game instantly regret it. I would pay 10$ for it maybe.
I mean I did find a dick monster, so the game at least appeals to the younger more immature me

was a solid half hour of laughing as I watched it chasing me and trying to slap me
It looks cool I guess but isn't this the game that always crashes midgame? On twitch fail complations I see people crash all the time because of this game...I think I might just stick to watching the gameplay