I made a blacklist for me xDD
I just added the members are very active i need to beat you all
Sorry if i forgott an active member
Oh and Not Cyborgzx its now dinis1998 but im gonna change it when i killed 1 xD
oh and dinis im glad to pay you 277 xDDD thats all i have
Lol, you gotta kill yourself?! xDDDDD
P.S Fighterix 3 - 0 TheCobra (kickbox)
Last edited by fighterix; Feb 23, 2010 at 03:06 PM.
First fighter it was 2-0 xD
and i have as many chances as i want to beat u xD oh and im on blacklist because im last i wanna get the full way up xD
first i start with beating u fighter then the others
Oh hell yeah! I'm numbaa 2 in da list. O_O
btw I'm gonna make it soon. (if my parents don't say 'gtfo the pc')

Chose any and send tc:

Last edited by Dinis; Feb 23, 2010 at 11:08 PM.