Originally Posted by Daggardry View Post
tee hee made a new avy for the game

is that a picture/screenshot of the game, it looks real to me, must have good graphics.
Originally Posted by ThatNGuy View Post
is that a picture/screenshot of the game, it looks real to me, must have good graphics.

It's from one of the first, if not the first, Assassin's Creed 2 trailer (CGI one).

Ah.. I really hope that there will be some other way to acquire the black assassin outfit.. It looks so much cooler than the white one. :[
Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
Ah.. I really hope that there will be some other way to acquire the black assassin outfit.. It looks so much cooler than the white one. :[

they are both awesome :O
but, yeah, assassin should be in black i think
Remember, they added a coin system. You can buy a bunch of stuff with your cash, including dyes. You can have a pink assassin if you want.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
Black is cliché

The white makes him look so much better, since it looks so incredibly sleek and chique <:

I don't care if it's cliché. I want it. Regardless of what people think, I think black looks cooler. (in picture). I have yet to be able to have black/white maybe if I get black, I'll want white more. Or black is a better armor, I will get black, etc.
Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
I don't care if it's cliché. I want it. Regardless of what people think, I think black looks cooler. (in picture). I have yet to be able to have black/white maybe if I get black, I'll want white more. Or black is a better armor, I will get black, etc.

Did no one read my last post? You color the assassin whatever color you want. If the armor starts off black for some reason, you can buy purple dye and make it purple, or buy white dye and make it white, ect.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'