Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by shook View Post
Nope, drawbridges aren't affected by building destroyers. Only dorfs can remove them (or magma, if they're not magma safe), hence making them THÉ safest doors in the game. Of course, there is the risk of crushing people (which is good), and they have a slight delay on input from levers (which is not good), but i go with bridges all day. Hell, they can do most things that doors and hatches can, and you don't need a workshop to make them.

@4zb41: Seems legit enough, some enemies take forever to down. :U

Thanks for the info man, I'm gonna build bridges all over my place too!
Also, I just embarked and I hit the magma sea at layer -18
Originally Posted by shook View Post
Nope, drawbridges aren't affected by building destroyers. Only dorfs can remove them (or magma, if they're not magma safe), hence making them THÉ safest doors in the game. Of course, there is the risk of crushing people (which is good), and they have a slight delay on input from levers (which is not good), but i go with bridges all day. Hell, they can do most things that doors and hatches can, and you don't need a workshop to make them.

Wow, guess a lot has changed since I last used those. But they're not the safest doors in the game for me. Every fortress that I have one, the invasion comes from inside the fortress. Forgotten Beast. And crushing people? Not a good thing if they're the only ones who can help.
Preparing to fight some ninja squirrels...
Then you're crushing the wrong people. :U
If you're really nervous about a few crushed dorfs, use retractable bridges over a staircase. Retracting bridges can't crush people, only fling them around if they're standing on it (which is fun if it's invaders standing on a narrow bridge 10z above the ground).

In other news, here's one of the countless reasons as to why dorf fortress is awesome.


Making people talk to the fist isn't just rude, it's lethal. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Raged a bit yesterday because I had an amazing swordsdwarf adventurer going, slayer of many night creatures (well, mostly Night Trolls and their kin) and werebeast. Was gradually making my way to a necromancer tower on the other end of the map through some evil lands covered in filthy ichor or whatever it is...
And the game crashed when I tried to drink some blood off my cloak

Also managed to beat down a bronze colossus with a hammerman, including lopping its right hand off in the process. Now the useless thing just kinda lies there in a miserable heap as an excellent training dummy for future adventurers.
I was going to take the hand and parade around town with it, but it weighed 3200 something weight units.

EDIT: Whilst adventuring, I encountered the largest concentration of kobolds I have ever seen. Thankfully, none of them appear to be armed

Spoil'd: big pic

EDIT2: Urgh, ran into a very irritating problem in a necromancer tower. I went up a stair case consisting of an upstair, up/down stair and one down stair at the top, after which I immediately retreated back down to lure the zombies out. But now I can't go back up that staircase for some reason. The furthest I can get is the up/down stair in the middle, and then the game pretends that there isn't anything above it any more and won't let me ascend. Help?
Last edited by 4zb41; Apr 19, 2012 at 05:12 PM.
Think that's large? I've encountered an army of kobolds - fifteen times more kobolds than in that picture! And my lone swordsman beat them all. And they all were armed. Wonder how Shaun Engiabo could beat that with Forgotten Beasts and who knows what else... A dragon as well...

The necromancer tower thing must be a glitch? That or there's a floor hatch or something locked...
Preparing to fight some ninja squirrels...
Originally Posted by sbanen View Post
Think that's large? I've encountered an army of kobolds - fifteen times more kobolds than in that picture! And my lone swordsman beat them all. And they all were armed. Wonder how Shaun Engiabo could beat that with Forgotten Beasts and who knows what else... A dragon as well...

The necromancer tower thing must be a glitch? That or there's a floor hatch or something locked...

Well, I slaughtered all the kobolds I could find, and now my adventurer has Legendary skill in Fighter and Swordsman. The only ones that put up a fight were the kobold thieves, and the regular kobolds who were pretty good at dodging. I made a habit of spilling their guts and then hacking them off :P

About the tower, yeah I think it's possible there's a floor hatch that got locked. But then how am I going to get up there now? Previously when it showed me the "one floor above" window, it showed there weren't any zombies standing on the staircase blocking the path, but now that window doesn't even show up. Even when there weren't zombies there and I could see into the room above it wouldn't let me in
I tried leaving the site and returning later but nothing had changed and the bottom couple of floors had filled up with undead and necromancers again

EDIT: Forget that, I was able to get DFhack to sort out the problem by making a new (unblocked) stairwell. I've now got a necromancer adventurer!

Here he is standing next to the slab which I pilfered from the top floor.
Last edited by 4zb41; Apr 20, 2012 at 06:03 PM.
I just tried Adventure Mode a few times, and it's great. The combat system is hilarious, but most of the time I find myself walking around aimlessly, looking for a few wild animals to kill.

List of questions:
How can I sleep outside safely? All my quest targets are located in places of at least a day's travelling.
How do I kick someone from my party? I found two macemen willing to join, but I already had a beekeeper, a farmer (don't ask) and one archer. When I attacked the beekeeper, both the farmer and the archer turned hostile towards me too.
What's the best weapon?
What skills should I definitely train before starting my queeste?
What race is better?
Edit: Also, how do I find a trader? Everyone I try to trade with keeps telling me I should try and find a shopkeeper.
Last edited by Arglax; Apr 22, 2012 at 02:04 AM.
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
List of questions:
How can I sleep outside safely? All my quest targets are located in places of at least a day's travelling.
Ain't no such thing, you're always at risk of an ambush outside. Companions will prevent bogeymen, but otherwise you need to find either a lair or a town to sleep in. Or you could just go without sleeping and make up for it later, but be careful with that, sleep deprivation fucks up your combat.

How do I kick someone from my party? I found two macemen willing to join, but I already had a beekeeper, a farmer (don't ask) and one archer. When I attacked the beekeeper, both the farmer and the archer turned hostile towards me too.
Info here. Basically, not in any easy way.

What's the best weapon?
Heavily debated topic, each weapon has its own strengths. People say that whips and scourges are super good, but i personally roll with axes, since they're highly effective against soft humanoids (which is the vast majority of bandits). Spears are better against large organics though, and hammers are better against armored humanoids. Swords are kind of a mix between it all (stabbing like spears, slashing like axes and pommel strikes for hammering), but it doesn't perform a single task as well as the specialized weapons.

What skills should I definitely train before starting my queeste?
Dodging and weapon skill are absolute musts (fighting goes up very quickly on its own, no need to put points in it). Shield user is very helpful too, and a point or two in swimming can be lovely if you are to cross water. Maybe also a single point in reading if you intend to pick up necromancy.

What race is better?
Debated. Humans are larger than dorfs and elves (which is actually a pretty significant bonus), dorfs are proportionally stronger and tougher (but slower) and get martial trances, while elves are faster. I personally go with dorfs because of the trances, since you can solo almost everything if you trance. (which only happens if you're outnumbered, and very rarely if you have companions)

Edit: Also, how do I find a trader? Everyone I try to trade with keeps telling me I should try and find a shopkeeper.
Certain areas of a city is marked in a different color. If you see it listing traders in the side bar while fast travelling, you've found them.


I oughta start playing again, really. And maybe do some ridiculously large project to kill invaders/visitors.
Last edited by Shook; Apr 22, 2012 at 02:36 AM.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
I just tried Adventure Mode a few times, and it's great. The combat system is hilarious, but most of the time I find myself walking around aimlessly, looking for a few wild animals to kill.

List of questions:
How can I sleep outside safely? All my quest targets are located in places of at least a day's travelling.
How do I kick someone from my party? I found two macemen willing to join, but I already had a beekeeper, a farmer (don't ask) and one archer. When I attacked the beekeeper, both the farmer and the archer turned hostile towards me too.
What's the best weapon?
What skills should I definitely train before starting my queeste?
What race is better?
Edit: Also, how do I find a trader? Everyone I try to trade with keeps telling me I should try and find a shopkeeper.

1. Once you have a party it's easier to sleep outside safely, since you won't get attacked by bogeymen when you have a party. You'll still be open to ambushes from other things, but those are a little more easily dealt with. Alternatively, if the quest target had a lair, you can sleep in their lair safely once it's cleared.

2. I'm not sure if you can. I'd probably just recommend finding a nice ambush to get them killed. Your party limit also increases whenever you complete quests.

3. Personally I like bladed weapons since you can lop off limbs like nobody's business. Decapitations are also a nice quick way to end a fight.

4. Obviously your weapon skill. Armor user, dodger, and shield user are also good (many of my adventurers have met their end from a stray arrow). It's also a good idea to put a couple points into swimmer in character gen, because otherwise you can drown in a puddle.

5. Depends. With a human, you've got the highest likelihood of finding armor that can fit you. Generally speaking you'll only be finding iron/bronze stuff at best, though. Dwarves are the only ones that can start with steel gear, and can go into martial trances when fighting multiple enemies (as described by shook, martial trances are fantastic). However, they aren't able to wear armor from larger races (e.g. humans). Elves suck. Bronze colossi, if you mod your DF so you can play as them, are the best things ever.

6. Shopkeepers are in designated buildings with a little symbol outside that shows what they're selling. The insides of shops also usually have lots of items scattered around.

Here's a good reference for adventurer mode.

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Thanks, I already read most of the wiki regarding Adventurer Mode though.

Adventure mode is great, but executing simple tasks such as equipping a helmet or making a sharp rock is a bit too tedious.

Edit: So I'm playing as a bronze colossus and I've slain a bunch of cats. For some reason, I could only be a spearman and I don't seem to be able to pick anything up since I don't have a backpack. Will this affect gameplay or don't colossi need to eat and drink?
Last edited by Arglax; Apr 22, 2012 at 03:41 AM.